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need help inserting a simple page link - Printable Version

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RE: need help inserting a simple page link - samdrp - 03-30-2016

yes I changed everything back after the changes only to keep the original code after the many tries.

so if i make this change it will only effect the blog link and not the entire site correct?

sorry but this framework is totally new to me. we worked with prestashop before and didn't have these issues

RE: need help inserting a simple page link - arma7x - 03-30-2016

Yes. But if you are using url_helper in <li><?php echo anchor('bla','Bla')?></li> replace 'bla' with valid URL to your blog link because if you put 'bla' the output will be SITE_URL/bla

RE: need help inserting a simple page link - samdrp - 03-30-2016

I have tried replacing with but still get the same error
this is very confusing

RE: need help inserting a simple page link - arma7x - 03-30-2016

the changes is make in or http://blog. Or probally your website is cached using $this->output->cache(n);

RE: need help inserting a simple page link - PaulD - 03-30-2016


I think you are changing the wrong link, or everyone here has misunderstood.

Am I right in saying that the link you are trying to change is the link on in the header bar? Is that right or are you working on a local version?

If you are, that site link has not been changed. Whatever you are changing, it is not the link on that page.

RE: need help inserting a simple page link - samdrp - 03-31-2016

I contacted the theme developer and was told to change the header.php file in the application/templates/views

Yes PaulD you are correct I am changing the header link on

RE: need help inserting a simple page link - samdrp - 03-31-2016

sorry it was actually application/views/templates/site

RE: need help inserting a simple page link - PaulD - 03-31-2016

'these issues' are not caused by the framework, which actually makes writing urls very easy, but in the lack of information being provided.

Can you post the part of the template code that is actually writing the blog link so we can see if it is hardcoded or a site_url or an echo anchor etc.

Your site header link still has not altered in any way since your first post so perhaps you are not changing the correct file.

From the look of the code on that page you are cobbling together lots of disperate systems and, quite frankly, it does not look like it is being done very cleverly or slickly. (Inline css all over the place, inline js all over the place, etc etc)

Good luck fixing it


RE: need help inserting a simple page link - samdrp - 03-31-2016

Hi Paul

Here is the code for the header.php
Maybe you are right that this developer did not work very clever but at this point just have to work through it.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<?php if($this->config->item('google_verification')){ echo stripslashes($this->config->item('google_verification')); }
if ($heading == ''){?>
<title><?php echo $title;?></title>
<?php }else {?>
<title><?php echo $heading;?></title>
<?php }?>
<meta name="Title" content="<?php echo $meta_title;?>" />
<meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $meta_keyword; ?>" />
<meta name="description" content="<?php echo $meta_description; ?>" />
<base href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php echo base_url();?>images/logo/<?php echo $fevicon;?>"/>

<!-- Loading Css Files -->
<?php $this->load->view('site/templates/css_files');?>

<!-- Loading Script Files -->
<?php $this->load->view('site/templates/script_files');?>

<!-- Loading Theme Settings-->
<?php $this->load->view('site/templates/theme_settings');?>


<!-- header_start -->
<div class="header_top">
<?php $pricesval = $pricefulllist->result_array();
$ColorsListVal = $mainColorLists->result_array();
$CountryListVal = $mainCountryLists->result_array();
$StateListVal = $mainStateLists->result_array();?>

$by_creating_accnt = str_replace("{SITENAME}",$siteTitle,$this->lang->line('header_create_acc'));
<div class="main">
<div id="navigation-test">
<div class="left">
<h1 class="logo"><a href="<?php echo base_url();?>" alt="<?php echo $siteTitle;?>" title="<?php echo $siteTitle;?>"><img src="images/logo/<?php echo $logo;?>"/></a></h1>
<ul class="gnb-wrap">
<li class="gnb">
<!-- <a href="/gifts" class="mn-gifts">Gifts</a> -->
<a class="mn-gifts" href="shop"><?php if($this->lang->line('header_shop') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_shop')); } else echo "Shop"; ?></a>
<div class="menu-contain-gift">
if ($fancyBoxCount>0){
<li><a href="fancybox"><?php if($this->lang->line('header_fancybox') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_fancybox')); } else echo "Fancy Box"; ?></a></li>
if ($this->config->item('giftcard_status') == 'Enable'){
<!-- <li><a href="gift-cards">--><?php //if($this->lang->line('giftcard_cards') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('giftcard_cards')); } else echo "Gift Cards"; ?><!--</a></li>-->
if($loginCheck != ''){
<li><a href="bookmarklets"><?php if($this->lang->line('bookmarklets') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('bookmarklets')); } else echo "Bookmarklets"; ?></a></li>
<?php }?>
<!-- <li><a href="shopby/all?p=--><?php //echo url_title($pricesval[0]['price_range']); ?><!--"><i class="arrow"></i>--><?php //if($this->lang->line('header_by_price') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_by_price')); } else echo "By Price"; ?><!--</a>-->
<!-- <div class="submenu-contain">-->
<!-- <ul> --><?php //foreach ($pricefulllist->result() as $priceRangeRow){ ?>
<!-- <li><a href="shopby/all?p=--><?php //echo url_title($priceRangeRow->price_range); ?><!--">--><?php //echo $currencySymbol;?><!-- --><?php //echo ucfirst($priceRangeRow->price_range); ?><!--</a></li>-->
<!-- --><?php //} ?>
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </li>-->
<?php /*if ($mainColorLists->num_rows()>0){?>
<li><a class="color-red" href="shopby/all?c=<?php echo $ColorsListVal[0]['list_value'];?>"><i class="arrow"></i><?php if($this->lang->line('header_by_color') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_by_color')); } else echo "By Color"; ?></a>
<div class="submenu-contain">
<ul class="palette">
foreach ($mainColorLists->result() as $colorRow){
if ($colorRow->list_value != ''){
<li><a href="shopby/all?c=<?php echo strtolower($colorRow->list_value);?>"><i class="color <?php echo strtolower($colorRow->list_value);?>"></i> <?php echo ucfirst($colorRow->list_value);?></a></li>
<?php }*/

if ($mainStateLists->num_rows()>0){?>
<li><a class="color-red" href="shopby/all"><i class="arrow"></i>By State</a>
<div class="submenu-contain">
<ul style="height: 350px;overflow-y: scroll;">
foreach ($mainStateLists->result() as $stateRow){
if ($stateRow->state_name != ''){
<li class="mymenu"><a href="shopby/all?s=<?php echo $stateRow->state_name;?>"> <?php echo ucfirst($stateRow->state_name);?></a>
<?php if (!empty($mainCityLists[$stateRow->state_code])){?>
<div class="submenu-contain1 mywrapper" style="top:0;">
foreach ($mainCityLists[$stateRow->state_code] as $cityRow){
if ($cityRow->city != ''){
<li style="position: relative;"><a href="shopby/all?s=<?php echo $stateRow->state_name;?>&ct=<?php echo $cityRow->city;?>"><?php echo $cityRow->city;?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php }
<?php if ($mainCategories->num_rows()>0){?>
<li><a href="shopby/all"><i class="arrow"></i><?php if($this->lang->line('header_by_category') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_by_category')); } else echo "By Category"; ?></a>
<div class="submenu-contain">
foreach ($mainCategories->result() as $row){
if ($row->cat_name != ''){
<li style="position: relative;"><a href="shopby/<?php echo $row->seourl;?>"><?php echo $row->cat_name;?></a>
<?php if (in_array($row->id, $root_id_arr)){?>
<div class="submenu-contain1" style="top:0;">
foreach ($all_categories->result() as $row1){
if ($row1->cat_name != '' && $row->id==$row1->rootID){
<li style="position: relative;"><a href="shopby/<?php echo $row->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row1->seourl;?>"><?php echo $row1->cat_name;?></a>
<?php if (in_array($row1->id, $root_id_arr)){?>
<div class="submenu-contain2" style="top:0;">
foreach ($all_categories->result() as $row2){
if ($row2->cat_name != '' && $row1->id==$row2->rootID){
<li style="position: relative;"><a href="shopby/<?php echo $row->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row1->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row2->seourl;?>"><?php echo $row2->cat_name;?></a>
<?php if (in_array($row2->id, $root_id_arr)){?>
<div class="submenu-contain3" style="top:0;">
foreach ($all_categories->result() as $row3){
if ($row3->cat_name != '' && $row2->id==$row3->rootID){
<li style="position: relative;"><a href="shopby/<?php echo $row->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row1->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row2->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row3->seourl;?>"><?php echo $row3->cat_name;?></a>
<?php if (in_array($row3->id, $root_id_arr)){?>
<div class="submenu-contain4" style="top:0;">
foreach ($all_categories->result() as $row4){
if ($row4->cat_name != '' && $row3->id==$row4->rootID){
<li style="position: relative;"><a href="shopby/<?php echo $row->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row1->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row2->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row3->seourl;?>/<?php echo $row4->seourl;?>"><?php echo $row4->cat_name;?></a>

<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<li class="gnb"><a class="mn-stores" href="stores"><?php if($this->lang->line('stores') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('stores')); } else echo "Marketplace";?></a>
<div class="menu-contain-gift">
<li><a href="stores/?cls=1">Antique Dealers</a>
<li><a href="stores/?cls=2">Art Galleries</a>
<li><a href="stores/?cls=3"><i class="arrow"></i>Professionals</a>
<div class="submenu-contain">
<li><a href="stores/?cls=3&subcls=2"> Professionals </a></li>
<li><a href="stores/?cls=3&subcls=3"> Architects </a></li>
<li><a href="stores/?cls=3&subcls=4"> Designers </a></li>
<li><a href="stores/?cls=3&subcls=5"> Services </a></li>
<li><a href="stores/?cls=4">Showrooms</a>
<?php if ($loginCheck != ''){?>
<li class="gnb"><a href="add" class="mn-add"><?php if($this->lang->line('header_add') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_add')); } else echo "Add"; ?></a></li>
<?php }?>
if (count($cmsPages)>0){
$cmsLimit = 0;
$parentIdArr = array();
foreach ($cmsPages as $cmsArrRow){
array_push($parentIdArr, $cmsArrRow['parent']);
foreach ($cmsPages as $cmsRow){
if ($cmsLimit==1)break;
if ($cmsRow['category'] == 'Main'){

<li class="gnb"><a class="mn-help" href="pages/<?php echo $cmsRow['seourl'];?>"><?php echo $cmsRow['page_name'];?></a>
<?php if (in_array($cmsRow['id'], $parentIdArr)){?>
<div class="menu-contain-help">
foreach ($cmsPages as $cmsSubRow){
if ($cmsSubRow['category'] == 'Sub' && $cmsSubRow['parent'] == $cmsRow['id']){
<li><a href="pages/<?php echo $cmsSubRow['seourl'];?>"><?php echo $cmsSubRow['page_name'];?></a></li>
<?php }?>
<li class="gnb"><a class="mn-stores" href="blogs"><?php echo "Blogs";?></a></li>
<div class="right">
<?php if ($loginCheck == ''){
<ul class="gnb-wrap">
<?php if ($loginCheck == ''){?>
<li class="gnb"><a class="mn-signup popup-signup-ajax" href="#"><i class="ic-sign"></i> <?php if($this->lang->line('login_signup') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('login_signup')); } else echo "Sign up"; ?></a></li>
<?php }?>
<li class="gnb"><a href="login" class="mn-signin"><?php if($this->lang->line('signup_sign_in') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('signup_sign_in')); } else echo "Sign in"; ?></a></li>

<?php }else{ //echo($this->session->userdata('language_code'));die;?>
<div id="MiniCartViewDisp" style="float:left;">
<ul class="gnb-wrap" >
<li class="gnb none gnb-notification">
<a href="notifications" class="mn-notification">
<span class="hide"><?php if($this->lang->line('referrals_notification') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('referrals_notification')); } else echo "Notifications"; ?></span>
<em class="ic-notification">
<!-- <i class="count">5</i>
--> </em>
<div class="feed-notification">
<i class="arrow"></i>
<h4 style="color:#c4c7cc;"><?php if($this->lang->line('referrals_notification') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('referrals_notification')); } else echo "Notifications"; ?></h4>
<div class="loading"><i></i></div>
<a href="">
<img src="" class="photo"/>

<a href="">
<img src="" class="thing"/>
<a href="notifications" class="moreFeed"><?php if($this->lang->line('see_all_noty') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('see_all_noty')); } else echo "See all notifications"; ?></a>
<?php echo $MiniCartViewSet; ?>
<?php } ?>

<?php if ($loginCheck != ''){
if ($userDetails->row()->thumbnail == ''){
$thumbImg = 'user-thumb1.png';
}else {
$thumbImg = $userDetails->row()->thumbnail;
<ul class="gnb-wrap">
<li class="gnb">
<?php if($userDetails->row()->group == "User"){?>
<a href="<?php echo 'user/'.$userDetails->row()->user_name;?>" class="mn-you"><img alt="vinumsc" class="default" src="images/site/blank.gif" /><?php if($this->lang->line('header_you') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_you')); } else echo "You"; ?></a><?php }else{?>
<a href="<?php echo 'user/seller-timeline/'.$userDetails->row()->user_name;?>" class="mn-you"><img alt="vinumsc" class="default" src="images/site/blank.gif" /><?php if($this->lang->line('header_you') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_you')); } else echo "You"; ?></a>
<?php }?>
<style>.mn-you img.default {background-image:url(images/users/<?php echo $thumbImg;?>);} </style>
<div class="menu-contain-you">
<li><a href="invite-friends"><?php if($this->lang->line('onboarding_invite_frd') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('onboarding_invite_frd')); } else echo "Invite Friends";?></a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="group-gifts">--><?php //if($this->lang->line('group_gifts') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('group_gifts')); } else echo "Group Gifts";?><!--</a></li>-->
<?php if($userDetails->row()->group == "User"){?>
<li><a href="seller-signup">Seller Signup</a></li>
<?php }?>
<!-- --><?php //if($userDetails->row()->store_payment == 'Paid'){?>
<!-- <ul>-->
<!-- <li><a href="seller/dashboard">--><?php //if($this->lang->line('onboarding_dashboard') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('onboarding_dashboard')); } else echo "Dashboard";?><!--</a></li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- --><?php //}?>
<li><a href="settings"><?php if($this->lang->line('onboarding_dashboard') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('onboarding_dashboard')); } else echo "Dashboard"; ?></a></li>
<li><a href="logout"><?php if($this->lang->line('header_signout') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_signout')); } else echo "Sign out"; ?></a></li>
<?php }?>

<form action="<?php base_url();?>shopby/all" class="search">
<input type="text" name="q" class="text" id="search-query" placeholder="<?php if($this->lang->line('header_search') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_search')); } else echo "Search"; ?>" value="" autocomplete="off"/>
<button type="submit" class="btn-submit"><?php if($this->lang->line('header_search') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_search')); } else echo "Search"; ?></button>
<div class="feed-search" style="display: none;">
<h4><?php if($this->lang->line('header_suggestions') != '') { echo stripslashes($this->lang->line('header_suggestions')); } else echo "Suggestions"; ?></h4>
<div class="loading" style="display: block;"><i></i>
<img class="loader" src="images/site/loading.gif"/>
<!-- header_end -->
<!-- Loading Popup Templates -->
<?php $this->load->view('site/templates/popup_templates');?>

if($this->config->item('google_verification_code')){ echo stripslashes($this->config->item('google_verification_code'));}

RE: need help inserting a simple page link - PaulD - 03-31-2016

So nothing complicated, it is a simple hard coded line. Your problem is that the hard coded 'blogs' in the href does not mean anything.

This was pointed out some time ago and I have not seen the change happen on the site yet.

<li class="gnb"><a class="mn-stores" href="blogs"><?php echo "Blogs";?></a></li>

<li class="gnb"><a class="mn-stores" href="">Blogs</a></li>

When you have made that change, it should work.


PS This is a very basic HTML link issue, nothing to do with CI at all BTW.

PPS I was not criticizing the original developer, who knows what the situation was back then, or the project, or the remit, or why they did what they did or inherited. It could well be for good reason.