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Array Helper - Printable Version

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Array Helper - El Forum - 09-26-2008

Hi everyone. Here's my array helper, I thought I should post it in case anyone else finds it useful. It just needs to be copied into a file named "array_helper.php", and placed in "application/helpers". It will play nice with the Array helper that already exists.

I was looking for a way to get the first key from an associative array, and figured I should cater for other common array activities. The content has been heavily inspired from the guys who commented on this page:

One advantage of the helper file is that it can help keep your code understandable, maintainable, and self-documenting. Comments and feedback welcome.


*    Array First Key
*    Returns the first key in the array.
*    @param    array
*    @return   string
function array_first_key($array)
    return array_shift(array_keys($array));

// ------------------------------------------

*    Array Last Key
*    Returns the last key in the array.
*    @param    array
*    @return   string
function array_last_key($array)
    return array_pop(array_keys($array));

// ------------------------------------------

*    Array First Value
*    Returns the first value in the array.
*    @param    array        
*    @return   mixed
function array_first_value($array)
    return array_shift($array);

// ------------------------------------------

# Alias for the function above.
function array_first_val($array) {
    return array_first_value($array);

// ------------------------------------------

*    Array Last Value
*    Returns the last value in the array.
*    @param    array
*    @return   mixed
function array_last_value($array)
    return array_pop($array);

// ------------------------------------------

# Alias for the function above.
function array_last_val($array)
    return array_last_value($array);

// ------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------------

*    Array Value Intersect Keys
*    Returns the keys of elements in the haystack that match the needle(s)
*    @param    array
*    @param    array
*    @return   array
function array_value_intersect_keys($haystack, $needles){
    $intersected = array_intersect($haystack, $needles);
    return array_keys($intersected);

// ------------------------------------------

*    Array Remove Assoc Key
*    Removes the part of the array that matches the specified key.
*    @param    array
*    @param    string
*    @return   array
function array_remove_assoc_key($array=array(), $key='')
    if(array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
    return $array;

// ------------------------------------------

*    Array Remove Assoc Keys
*    Removes the parts of the array that matches the specified keys.
*    @param    array
*    @param    array
*    @return   array
function array_remove_assoc_keys($array=array(), $keys=array())
    foreach($keys as $key) {
        $array = array_remove_assoc_key($array, $key);
    return $array;

// ------------------------------------------

*    Array key
*    Extracts the key of an associative array from the position you specify.
*    @param    array
*    @param    int
*    @return   string
function array_key($arr, $pos) {
    if (!empty($arr)) {
        if ($pos===null)
            $pos = 0;
        $all_keys = array_keys($arr);
        $key = $all_keys[$pos];
        if (isset($key))
            return $key;
        else {
            return null;

Array Helper - El Forum - 09-26-2008

I would remove the array_first_value and the array_last_value functions as they only make your application slower.

Array Helper - El Forum - 09-26-2008

I can try it. Looks nice to me.

Array Helper - El Forum - 09-26-2008

Your helper inspired this post

Array Helper - El Forum - 10-01-2008

Any idea why we can't pass parameters in by reference? I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, I can't imagine why it shouldn't work as expected.

Array Helper - El Forum - 10-01-2008

You can, the problem was that i used this test code
$test = 'array_shift';
I should have known it doesn't work as
raises the error
Quote:Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference
I will correct it on my blog later, thank you for pointing out my stupidity Wink

Array Helper - El Forum - 10-01-2008

Whoops. I thought it was strange that it wouldn't work, so I tested it with a string, but I made exactly the same mistake... Only I got this message:

Quote:Fatal error: Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference

So it wasn't quite so obvious to me either. Well done for spotting it! Smile