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integrating ckeditor + ckfinder - Printable Version

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integrating ckeditor + ckfinder - El Forum - 07-20-2010

how to integrating ckeditor + ckfinder

just simple code...

im bad in english..

integrating ckeditor + ckfinder - El Forum - 07-20-2010

First, read the documentation for CKEditor and CKFinder. I have never used either, so I cannot help you with questions about the software. Perhaps questions would better be served by asking users of that particular software instead of CodeIgniter.

If you are asking how to include the software on your CodeIgniter-generated pages, you will need to include the javascript code in your view as shown in the documentation. The CKFinder configuration code would probably be easiest to include in a separate library or helper and called by the controllers that use it.

integrating ckeditor + ckfinder - El Forum - 07-20-2010

ok thanxs for your answer...

im from indonesia..
i have difficult to arrange the word to show my question...
next i'll read the documentation for CKEditor & CKFinder

thank u very much

integrating ckeditor + ckfinder - El Forum - 07-26-2010

in localhost running well but in server i ve got error
like this
Folder not found. Please refresh and try again.

in file ckfinder/config.php

$baseUrl = '/ckfinder/userfiles/';

how to fix it

integrating ckeditor + ckfinder - El Forum - 07-26-2010

$baseUrl = ‘/ckfinder/userfiles/’;

Is the directory that CKFinder file browser looks for to find and upload files.

You'll need to change this to the directory on your server where it is installed.

It will 'Just work' if CKFinder is installed in /ckfinder/, if you have installed in a subdirectory then you will need the full path to that. eg /assets/ckfinder/

hope that helps :-)