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PHP errors not showing in testing environment - Printable Version

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PHP errors not showing in testing environment - El Forum - 04-14-2012


I run into a weird problem where I cannot figure the answer for. I have searched Google and so on but there does not seem to be a solid answer. I am running a CentOS server with apache and so on and php is normally logging into a /var/log/phperrors.log file.

Now I have altered index.php as follows:

  case 'development':
   $system_path  = 'cut';
   $application_folder = 'cut';
  case 'testing':
   $system_path  = 'cut';
   $application_folder = 'cut';
  case 'production':

   exit('The application environment is not set correctly.');

So in my opinion one would expect for php errors to popup on screen when the environment is set to both development and testing. I would certainly like to have it this way since development is on my local machine, testing is on a replica machine of the production server and eventually the production server is on its own.

When I set my environment on the testing server to "development" all goes well, I get errors popping up However when I switch the environment to testing all errors disapear and I am just left with a blank screen. Also the errors do not get logged to my general php error log which is set server wide.

Can anyone tell me if this is a bug or if I am missing something in the picture here.


PHP errors not showing in testing environment - El Forum - 04-15-2012

How are you setting your environment constant? Are you sure it is being set properly, not overwritten, etc?

You could try combining the cases, also. I don't see why that would make a difference, but it'll clean up your code.

case 'development':
case 'testing':

PHP errors not showing in testing environment - El Forum - 04-16-2012


Thanks for pointing me in the overwritten direction. I was really breaking my head on this one 2 nights ago.
Now when having a fresh look and your pointer on the overwritten part I noticed that indeed the error_reporting got overwritten somewhere.

I have removed that and now it works like a charm.

About the code cleaning, this is indeed something I have todo still but I was getting nuts on this "problem". Now thats solved I can focus again on producing clean code Smile

Thanks a lot.