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New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-11-2008

I realize this is somewhat of a controversial topic around CI, but I find a bit of code generation always helps me get moving.

Therefore I've created a simple little code generator for CI called "Ignition" that generates all of your model/views/controller and sql code for your objects. Don't expect a pretty interface on generated code, because Ignition makes NO assumptions about what your app needs or does. It simply generates the mundane code that we all find ourselves writing all the time and then gets our of your way to so you can do your thing.

If anyone is interested, please check it out:

Sorry if anyone thinks this is spam...its not intended to be since this script only works with Code Igniter. I realize its not a Code Igniter website that I'm introducing, but I figured since its a Code Igniter utility that this was the right place to post it.

New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-11-2008

[eluser]Derek Allard[/eluser]
Doesn't sound like spam at all. This sounds like a great contribution! Thanks lifewithryan! I'm moving this into "ignited code" so more people can see it and put it through its paces.

New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-11-2008

Thanks guys...

I'd been needing something like this for quite some time and finally had the chance to write it.

There's A TON of refactoring that can be done to the ignite script, but I wanted to get something out there first.

Hope it works for you and if you have additions, etc...please let me know Smile

New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-11-2008

Looks really nice. I will try to test on my next project. How configurable is the directory structure? I like to keep the system directory out of the web root and use a modified index.php to accomplish this.

Thanks for a great contribution to CI.

New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-12-2008

[quote author="Neovive" date="1200124497"]Looks really nice. I will try to test on my next project. How configurable is the directory structure? I like to keep the system directory out of the web root and use a modified index.php to accomplish this.[/quote]

What I would do in that case is go ahead and generate everything as the standard CI install land then move things around after the fact. That's the beauty, I don't really "force" anything upon the user, nor do I make it difficult to change it.

You've stumbled across the only assumption that I guess I'm making and thats the CI directory structure is the default. I don't think it'd be a big deal to generate as is, then move the system dir to wherever you want and modify the index.php.

Let me know how it goes! Thanks for the feedback!

New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-12-2008

eehhhmmm.... and where can I download it??
I didn´t find anything...

New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-12-2008

[quote author="gunter" date="1200177598"]eehhhmmm.... and where can I download it??
I didn´t find anything...[/quote]

Heh...there should be a link on my wiki:

but here's a direct link:

I highly recommend reading the wiki as I give a pretty nice overview/tutorial on how to set it up and run it.

New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-15-2008

Hey everyone...

For anyone who may be playing with Ignition, I've found and fixed a couple issues:

#1) I found that the script wasn't respecting the notNull/Null flags in the config file unless it was a primary key field. This is now fixed.

#2) I used to regenerate header and footer includes for each run of the script. I'm now checking to see if those two files exists, if they do, you'll get a warning and the script will NOT overwrite them and continue as normal. This serves two purposes: A) allows you to have your own and files and not worry about getting them overwritten B) there's no need to regenerate those files over and over again if I've already done it once.

Apparently some of you are looking at this because my webstats have increased a let me know what you think.

I'm uploading the latest zip file as I write this. (


New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-15-2008

Nice. I can confirm it does work on Windows.

New Simple Code Generation - El Forum - 01-15-2008

[quote author="joeles" date="1200458580"]Nice. I can confirm it does work on Windows.[/quote]

That's awesome man, thanks! I just don't have a windows box with PHP/Apache/MySQL all setup...I'm so rarely in windows.

Thanks for the feedback!