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Ignited Task Board - Printable Version

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Ignited Task Board - El Forum - 06-02-2012

[eluser]Oscar Dias[/eluser]
I created a very simple app to manage tasks and projects called Simple Task Board. It's in its first version and still lacks a lot of things, but my intention is to keep improving it. Anyway, if someone is interested it is at

Info from the README file:
Simple Task Board

NOTE: This is the first usable version of this application.

Version 1.0

Description: A simple task board to help managing software projects. It is developed in PHP and uses the CodeIgniter Framework.
It includes multiple users/projects/tasks and is very simple to use and install.

Next updates: I plan to update some portions of this application in the following months. Currently these are the features to be developed:
- Task comments: add comments in each task.
- User levels: implement level verification to allow the correct functionalities to each level.
- User profile: create a user profile with more information about the users.
- Task history: track what happens with the tasks and how long it takes in each phase.
- Tasks estimation: add an estimation field to enable a comparison between estimated and realised.
- ... if you have any ideas, let me know ...

Installation: Create the database using db/create.sql, place the files in your server and update the following:
- application/config/config.php: update $config['base_url'] with your url.
- application/config/database.php: update your database information.
Run <server>/install (where <server> should be your localhost or domain/folder).
If you have any problems let me know.