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Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - Printable Version

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Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-11-2012


I am still new to CodeIgniter so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.

I created a view which is intended to insert a popup form based on jqModal. The form works fine when I created it in a test environment but, when I integrate it into the CodeIgniter based app I am getting some weird results. It seems like a "submit query" button is being added and I know I didn't do it.

Here's the code (I removed some of the extraneous code from it for brevity)

<div id="ex3a" class="jqmDialog">
<div class="jqmdTL"><div class="jqmdTR"><div class="jqmdTC jqDrag">Please enter your filter criteria</div></div></div>
<div class="jqmdBL"><div class="jqmdBR"><div class="jqmdBC">

<div class="jqmdMSG">

&lt;form name="frmFilters"&gt;
  <td><select name='cboJobs'><option value=""></option>
  /* snip... ghenerate the options */

  <td><select name="cboStates"><option value=""></option>
  /* snip... generate the options */

  <td>&lt;input type="text" name="txtStoreId"&gt; </td>

<tr><td></td><td>&lt;Input type="button" value="Clear"&gt;Input type="button" value="Save" onClick="SaveClicked()"></td></tr>

Is there something I need to do to not have CodeIgniter add that extraneous button to the header of the dialog?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.

Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-11-2012

Edit: It's not a CI problem. You're "save" button doesn't have a start tag.

Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-11-2012

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying but if you are saying I do not have the &lt;input tag for the save button, i do.

&lt;Input type="button" value="Clear">
&lt;Input type="button" value="Save"&gt;

That's the same code as in my original post, just formatted for easier reading...

Did I misunderstand what you meant? If I did, I apologize...

Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-11-2012

This is copied from your first post and is missing the opening "<" for the "save" button:
&lt;Input type="button" value="Clear"&gt;Input type="button" value="Save" onClick="SaveClicked()">

Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-11-2012

What CroNiX said was that
<tr><td></td><td>&lt;Input type="button" value="Clear"&gt;Input type="button" value="Save" onClick="SaveClicked()"></td></tr>

You have a missing < for the second input..

But regarding your problem, i don't see anything weird that causes that you.. but are you closing all that divs you are opening?

I only see one div close ( </div> ) at the end..

Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-12-2012

I can post the entire code here. I double checked all the divs and they are all closed properly. Besides, it would seem to me that CI has to bee adding it because when I run the dialog in a standalone .php file, it doesn't happen. It only happens when running within the framework.

Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-12-2012

How can CI add buttons ?
CI only does what you ask him to do.

You are maybe doing something wrong, or applying a CI function wrong.

Post the controller and view here, or post the website if possible so we can take a look at it.

Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-13-2012

First of all, I agree that I must be doing something wrong. I just can't figure out what.

I can't really post a page yet but I can (and have) posted screen shots of the dialog box. Here they are:

The Dialog in the test environment:

Dialog in CI

As you can see, the issue is placement of the close button. The "Submit Query" seems to be some text (it is not a button of its own) that is being added to the close button.

The offending line of code is this one:

&lt;input type="image" src="close.gif" class="jqmdX jqmClose" /&gt;

If I remove this line, I lose my close button but the submit query issue goes away. It seems to me that the issue is most likely a CSS one (that's just my guess). Since the CSS files I added are the same between the test and production versions, the only difference has to be CI.

Here's the additional CSS code:
survey_filter.css (basically taken from the jqModal example)
div.whiteOverlay { background: url(inc/jqmBG.gif) white; }
div.jqDrag {cursor: move;}

/* jqmModal dialog CSS courtesy of;
Brice Burgess <[email protected]> */

div.jqmDialog {
display: none;
    position: fixed;
    top: 17%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -200px;
width: 420px;

overflow: hidden;

/* Fixed posistioning emulation for IE6
     Star selector used to hide definition from browsers other than IE6
     For valid CSS, use a conditional include instead */
* html div.jqmDialog {
     position: absolute;
     top: [removed](document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) + Math.round(17 * (document.documentElement.offsetHeight || document.body.clientHeight) / 100) + 'px');

/*color: #d5ff84, #528c00;*/

/* [[[ Title / Top Classes ]]] */
div.jqmdTC {
background: #FFFFFF url(/images/sprite.gif) repeat-x 0px -82px;
color: #000000;
padding: 7px 22px 5px 5px;
font-family:"sans serif",verdana,tahoma,helvetica;
font-weight: bold;
* zoom: 1;
div.jqmdTL { background:  url(/images/sprite.gif) no-repeat 0px -41px; padding-left: 3px;}
div.jqmdTR { background: url(/images/sprite.gif) no-repeat right 0px; padding-right: 3px; * zoom: 1;}

/* [[[ Body / Message Classes ]]] */
div.jqmdBC {
background: url(/images/bc.gif) repeat-x center bottom;
padding: 7px 7px 7px;
height: 180px;
overflow: auto;
div.jqmdBL { background: url(/images/bl.gif) no-repeat left bottom; padding-left: 7px; }
div.jqmdBR { background: url(/images/br.gif) no-repeat right bottom; padding-right: 7px; * zoom: 1 }

div.jqmdMSG { color: #000000; }

/* [[[ Button classes ]]] */
input.jqmdX {
position: absolute;
right: 7px;
top: 4px;
padding: 0 0 0 19px;
height: 19px;
width: 0px;
background: url(/images/close.gif) no-repeat top right;
overflow: hidden;
input.jqmdXFocus {background-position: bottom right; outline: single;}

div.jqmdBC button, div.jqmdBC input[type="submit"] {
margin: 8px 10px 4px 10px;
color: #777;
background-color: #fff;
cursor: pointer;

/* div.jqmDialog input:focus, div.jqmDialog input.iefocus { background-color: #eaffc3; } */
div.jqmDialog input:focus, div.jqmDialog input.iefocus { background-color: #eaffc3; }

That's it. The jqModal .css is straight from the website.

I note also that the buttons and entry objects have changed size... I wonder if that could be causing the problem but I don't know.

Thanks for hanging with me on this.

Getting unwanted "submit query" button on form - El Forum - 06-18-2012

For anyone reading this thread, I figured it out. Turns out that it was a CSS problem and not a CI problem. There was a setting for the &lt;input = "image" object that was causing this. I couldn't tell you what about that setting was causing the problem but i do know that removing that line from the style sheet fixed it.

Thank you to everyone who responded and tried to help!