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Multiple databases and db_params with Datamapper - Printable Version

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Multiple databases and db_params with Datamapper - El Forum - 08-25-2012

Hello everyone,

After browsing the forum for some time, I can't find the answer to my issue.

I'm using Datamapper ORM (1.8.2) and trying to make a specific model connect to another database :

class Zone extends DataMapper {

  * override the database connections with this option

var $db_params = 'dns';
    public function __construct()
        // model constructor

According to documentation, this is supposed to make model connect the the dabase described as "dns" in config/database.php.

// Secondary database
$db['dns']['hostname'] = '*****';
$db['dns']['username'] = '*****';
$db['dns']['password'] = '*****';
$db['dns']['database'] = '*****';
$db['dns']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql';
$db['dns']['dbprefix'] = '';
$db['dns']['pconnect'] = FALSE;
$db['dns']['db_debug'] = TRUE;
$db['dns']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['dns']['cachedir'] = '';
$db['dns']['char_set'] = 'utf8';
$db['dns']['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
$db['dns']['swap_pre'] = '';
$db['dns']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['dns']['stricton'] = FALSE;

Except it doesn't...

When displaying object details in controller :

$zone = new zone();

I get a MySQL error showing the default database and not the database specified in "dns" configuration.

Code debug shows that db_params is not set on my object despite my declaration.

Quote:Zone Object ( [db_params] => [error] => [stored] => [prefix] => [join_prefix] => [table] => zones [model] => zone [primary_key] => id [error_prefix] =>

Any idea?


Multiple databases and db_params with Datamapper - El Forum - 08-29-2012


Multiple databases and db_params with Datamapper - El Forum - 08-29-2012

The 1.8.2 release had an issue where model property overrides didn't always work. This is fixed in

Get the latest datamapper library from

Multiple databases and db_params with Datamapper - El Forum - 08-29-2012

I'll try this out right away ! Thanks

Multiple databases and db_params with Datamapper - El Forum - 08-29-2012

You were right WanWizard. Ugprading Datamapper did the trick.

Many thanks :-)

Multiple databases and db_params with Datamapper - El Forum - 11-16-2012

I hate to bump an old topic like this, but I am having the same exact problem. I've downloaded the latest DM from Bitbucket and still cannot get my DM to connect to multiple databases.

Here is my 'database.php' file:

And my model:

class Module extends DataMapper {
    public $db_params = 'ohm';
    public $has_one = array();
    public $has_many = array();

When I try and run it I get the following error:

Error Number: 1146
Table 'db1.modules' doesn't exist

Please help, I've tried everything I can think of.

Multiple databases and db_params with Datamapper - El Forum - 11-16-2012

Can you add a constructor you your model, have it call the parent constructor, and after that, do a var_dump($this->db_params)?