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Starter help - El Forum - 09-06-2013

Hi all

I am relatively new to code igniter and php although I have coded in perl for many years. I have been following a few really good tutorials online and have managed to build a login page using back end authentication via a MySQL database and sessions.

What I am struggling to understand is I want to be able to check on every page if a user is logged in without having to type loads of duplicate code on each page

I have searched the web and while there are some great posts by some talented users about this subject I am not experienced enough to understand what they are talking about

Some people are saying create a MY_Controller in the libraries directory and within each construct on every page reference this controller. While I have tried to do this I just get errors. Probably because I don't know what I am doing.

What I have so far is

1. Login controller which just displays the login screen
2.verify controller which verifies if that user is logged in, using a model to access the db
3. A home page which I have split into 2 parts. A header which contains a menu and a logout button ( I am also passing a data array to this header to pull out the username and last logged in vars to display) these 2 pages are called by the home controller which is called from the verify controller if they are logged in

4. And a body page with just some placeholder text on it

What I would like to achieve is a simple way of checking on every new page I call if the user has a valid session and is logged in, if not redirect them back to the login page

Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciate

Thanks. Mythandra

Starter help - El Forum - 09-07-2013

would be easier if you post some of you code but here goes nothing.

you want something like in you login process model

$this->session->set_userdata('logged_user', $user_id);
Which adds your user_id to the session data.

another couple of functions in your model
function check_logged(){
  return ($this->session->userdata('logged_user'))?TRUE:FALSE;

function logged_id(){
  return ($this->check_logged())?$this->session->userdata('logged_user'):'';

then on your controllers autoload your model then simple do this on your controllers


I am new to coding also but this is what i have learned so far hope it helps

Starter help - El Forum - 09-07-2013

/application/core/MY_Controller.php (Goes in /application/CORE (because you are extending /system/core/Controller.php), not a Library)

class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {

  function __construct()

    //load your auth library/whatever (if it isn't autoloaded) and do your login check

  //create another method that will be available to any controller that extends this controller
  function verify_user($user_id = 0)
      echo 'This is the verify_user method from MY_Controller';

All other controllers that you want to have auth checked should now extend MY_Controller instead of CI_Controller....

class Your_controller extends MY_Controller {

    function __construct()

    function index()
      echo 'If you are seeing this, you are logged in';

      //test the other method
going to should now perform the login check.

Now, whenever you go to this controller, it will first load the MY_Controller and since the auth check is in it's construct, that will be executed every time before continuing on to your actual Your_controller.

If you have a controller that you DON'T want auth checked, have that controller extend the regular CI_Controller instead of MY_Controller.

You can take this a step further and have several "base controllers" (which is what MY_Controller is). You can have a different one for Front End, Back End, whatever, depending on the needs of your project. Here's a good article on how to take it one step further: