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when to use parent::__construct(); in the class? - Printable Version

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when to use parent::__construct(); in the class? - El Forum - 09-20-2013

Dear all
I`ve started learning CI by the tutorial in the User Guide.
I found the News_model did not add the parent::__construct()
News_model extends CI_Model {
public function __construct()
But the News controller starts with parent::__construct()
class News extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct()
Could anyone kindly tell me the differences?
And whats the criteria of adding the parent::__construct() when creating the class?
Many thanks

when to use parent::__construct(); in the class? - El Forum - 09-20-2013

You only need to add parent::__construct(), if you are doing something in your __construct().

just having
public function __construct()

with nothing else doesn't do anything.


when to use parent::__construct(); in the class? - El Forum - 09-22-2013

[eluser]Bart v B[/eluser]
In other words, if you are planning to do things only in that object, then you can reference that in your constructor.

when to use parent::__construct(); in the class? - El Forum - 09-22-2013

to inherit directly the attributes of the parent class. Smile