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Best way to profile classes of CI and my App - Printable Version

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Best way to profile classes of CI and my App - jLinux - 08-07-2015

Im writing a plugin library, and part of the plugin installation is to check the plugins .php files and look at all class/methods/functions it uses, and just display a notice if whats utilized in the plugin.

The part im not 100% sure on, is how should I profile the classes/methods/functions? Right now, I have a file that contains an array, which has a friendly name of the class, then the regex pattern to use when searching for it, and a description.

PHP Code:
= array(
   'CI Framework' => array(
       'class'         => 'CI_*',
       'regex'         => 'CI_(.*)',
       'description'   => 'CodeIgniter Framework - Any classes used by the CodeIgniter framework'
   'Custom Codeigniter' => array(
       'class'         => 'MY_*',
       'regex'         => 'MY_(.*)',
       'description'   => 'Custom CI Classes - Classes used to customize some CodeIgniter classes'
   'Account Controller' => array(
       'class'         => 'Account',
       'regex'         => 'Account',
       'description'   => 'Accounts Controller - Used to facilitate account related functionality (login, logout, etc)'
   'Admin Controller' => array(
       'class'         => 'Admin',
       'regex'         => 'Admin',
       'description'   => 'Admin Controller - Used to facilitate administrative functionality'

Currently, heres a rough draft of the function that parses the plugins php files, (Its not done, just including it to give you an idea of what its doing thus far)
PHP Code:
public function get_class_usages($plugin)
   // Get the base path of the plugin
   $plugin_path "/{$this->plugin_path}/{$plugin}/";

   // Should get re-defined once class_profiles.php loads
   $classes NULL;

   // An array of class names and their data
   require_once APPPATH 'libraries/class_profiles.php';

   //die('CLASSES:<pre>' . print_r($classes, TRUE));

   $files = array();

   if( ! $dir = @new RecursiveDirectoryIteratorrealpath($plugin_path) ))
       Logger_lib::error("Failed to read from plugin path: {$plugin_path}"TRUETRUE);

       return FALSE;

   $objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirRecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);

   foreach($objects as $name => $object)

   $matches = array();

   foreach($files as $f)
       $line_num 0;

       if( ! $fh = @fopen($f'r'))
           Logger_lib::error("Failed to open plugin file for parsing: {$f}"TRUETRUE);

           return FALSE;

       $file_lines = array();

       while ( ! feof($fh))

           $line fgets($fh4096);

           $file_lines[] = trim($line);

           // @todo Add a few lines before and after the match to a preview of the line
           foreach($classes as $c => $d// Classes is defined in class_profiles.php
               if (preg_match('/' $d['regex'] . '/'$line)) {
                   $matches[$c][] = array(
                       'file' => $f,
                       'class' => $d['class'],
                       'line_num' => $line_num,
                       'line' => trim($line)

   return $matches;

So, does anyone think that there might be a better way to do this? I was thinking maybe look for the PHPDoc comments of the functions/classes as the description? That might just be used to populate the class_profiles.php though.

Also, if theres a function "something", How would one ensure that the regex is matching the class, and not just something in a sentence.

RE: Best way to profile classes of CI and my App - jLinux - 08-08-2015
