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CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - Printable Version

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CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - skunkbad - 01-09-2017

I'm having some issues tonight. Today of course there was an announcement that CI version 3.1.3 was released. So, I ran my development builder for Community Auth, and can't log in. By default the builder sets me up with database sessions. Sometimes I am seeing this error message:

ERROR - 2017-01-09 19:55:20 --> Severity: Warning --> Unknown: Failed to write session data (user). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (ci_sessions) Unknown 0

I can switch to file based sessions and everything starts working fine, but broken again if I switch back to database sessions.

Also, if I set up my builder to pull in CI 3.1.2 instead of 3.1.3, everything works fine with the database sessions. So, I'm not quite sure what to do to debug. It could be a session issue, or maybe a database issue, I don't really know.

If it matters, here is my builder script:

# This is the installer for those working on Community Auth development.
# Place and execute this script where IT WILL CREATE the web root directory.
# It will also create the database, as long as you set a valid user and password.

# The directory that git will clone into

# The base_url for CodeIgniter
# Note: make sure to escape slashes!

# The name of the database to create

# The DB user

# The DB password

# If symlinks (soft links) should be used instead of copying files

# The CI download

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Make sure not already installed
if [ ! -d ./$SITEDIR ];
    # Clone the Community Auth repository on bitbucket
    git clone [email protected]:skunkbad/community-auth-for-codeigniter-3.git $SITEDIR

    # The web root directory should now exist
    if [ -d ./$SITEDIR ];
        # Move into web root
        cd ./$SITEDIR

        # Temporarily move Community Auth
        mv ./application/third_party/community_auth/ ./community_auth_tmp/
        rm -r ./application

        # Temp file deleted after extract

        # Download and extract CodeIgniter (skip old files so .gitignore is not replaced)
        wget $CIDOWNLOAD -O $TMPFILE
        tar -xf $TMPFILE --skip-old-files --strip 1
        rm $TMPFILE

        # Restore Community Auth to its third party location
        mv ./community_auth_tmp/ ./application/third_party/community_auth/

        # Move into application directory
        cd ./application

        # Copy or symlink core files
        if [ "$SYMLINKS" = true ];
            ln -s ../third_party/community_auth/core/MY_Controller.php ./core/MY_Controller.php
            ln -s ../third_party/community_auth/core/MY_Input.php ./core/MY_Input.php
            ln -s ../third_party/community_auth/core/MY_Model.php ./core/MY_Model.php
            cp ./third_party/community_auth/core/MY_Controller.php ./core/MY_Controller.php
            cp ./third_party/community_auth/core/MY_Input.php ./core/MY_Input.php
            cp ./third_party/community_auth/core/MY_Model.php ./core/MY_Model.php

        # Copy or symlink hook files
        if [ "$SYMLINKS" = true ];
            ln -s ../third_party/community_auth/hooks/auth_constants.php ./hooks/auth_constants.php
            ln -s ../third_party/community_auth/hooks/auth_sess_check.php ./hooks/auth_sess_check.php
            cp ./third_party/community_auth/hooks/auth_constants.php ./hooks/auth_constants.php
            cp ./third_party/community_auth/hooks/auth_sess_check.php ./hooks/auth_sess_check.php

        # Copy or symlink controller files
        if [ "$SYMLINKS" = true ];
            ln -s ../third_party/community_auth/controllers/Examples.php ./controllers/Examples.php
            ln -s ../third_party/community_auth/controllers/Key_creator.php ./controllers/Key_creator.php
            cp ./third_party/community_auth/controllers/Examples.php ./controllers/Examples.php
            cp ./third_party/community_auth/controllers/Key_creator.php ./controllers/Key_creator.php

        # Copy or modify main .htaccess
        cp ./third_party/community_auth/public_root/.htaccess ./../.htaccess

        # Add autoload configuration
        sed -i "s/\['packages'\] = array()/\['packages'\] = array(\n\tAPPPATH . 'third_party\/community_auth\/'\n)/g; \
s/\['libraries'\] = array()/\['libraries'\] = array(\n\t'database','session','tokens','Authentication'\n)/g; \
s/\['helper'\] = array()/\['helper'\] = array(\n\t'serialization','cookie'\n)/g; \
s/\['config'\] = array()/\['config'\] = array(\n\t'db_tables','authentication'\n)/g; \
s/\['model'\] = array()/\['model'\] = array(\n\t'auth_model'\n)/g;" ./config/autoload.php

        # Add route to login page
        echo "\$route[LOGIN_PAGE] = 'examples/login';" >> ./config/routes.php

        # Change home page to examples/home
        sed -i "s/\['default_controller'\] = 'welcome'/\['default_controller'\] = 'examples\/home'/g" ./config/routes.php

        # Set base_url, index_page, turn hooks on, add an encryption key, and configure sessions
        sed -i "s/\['base_url'\] = ''/\['base_url'\] = '$BASEURL'/g; \
s/\['index_page'\] = 'index.php'/\['index_page'\] = ''/g; \
s/\['enable_hooks'\] = FALSE/\['enable_hooks'\] = TRUE/g; \
s/\['encryption_key'\] = ''/\['encryption_key'\] = hex2bin('5d3a06b1a1efeb861ad761fb8839794f')/g; \
s/\['sess_driver'\] = 'files'/\['sess_driver'\] = 'database'/g; \
s/\['sess_cookie_name'\] = 'ci_session'/\['sess_cookie_name'\] = 'ciSess'/g; \
s/\['sess_save_path'\] = NULL/\['sess_save_path'\] = 'ci_sessions'/g; \
s/\['sess_regenerate_destroy'\] = FALSE/\['sess_regenerate_destroy'\] = TRUE/g;" ./config/config.php

        # Add hooks
        printf "\$hook['pre_system'] = array(\n\t'function' => 'auth_constants',\n\t'filename' => 'auth_constants.php',\n\t'filepath' => 'hooks'\n);\n\$hook['post_system'] = array(\n\t'function' => 'auth_sess_check',\n\t'filename' => 'auth_sess_check.php',\n\t'filepath' => 'hooks'\n);" >> ./config/hooks.php

        # Create DB
        if [ -n "$DBPASS" ];
            mysqladmin -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS create $DBNAME
            cat ./third_party/community_auth/sql/install.sql | mysql -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS $DBNAME
            mysqladmin -u $DBUSER create $DBNAME
            cat ./third_party/community_auth/sql/install.sql | mysql -u $DBUSER $DBNAME

        # Configure DB
        if [ -n "$DBPASS" ];
            sed -i "s/'username' => ''/'username' => '$DBUSER'/g; \
s/'password' => ''/'password' => '$DBPASS'/g; \
s/'database' => ''/'database' => '$DBNAME'/g;" ./config/database.php
            sed -i "s/'username' => ''/'username' => '$DBUSER'/g; \
s/'database' => ''/'database' => '$DBNAME'/g;" ./config/database.php

        # Pretty URLs
        printf "\n\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /\n\nRewriteRule ^(system|application|cgi-bin) - [F,L]\nRewriteCond %%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\nRewriteCond %%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d\nRewriteRule .* index.php/\$0 [PT,L]" >> ./../.htaccess

        # Checkout develop from origin
        git checkout -b develop origin/develop

        # Success
        # Error
    # Error

Session config is what I always use:

PHP Code:
$config['sess_driver'] = 'database';
$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ciSess';
$config['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
$config['sess_save_path'] = 'ci_sessions';
$config['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
$config['sess_regenerate_destroy'] = TRUE

Same with DB config:

PHP Code:
$db['default'] = array(
'dsn'    => '',
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'database' => 'community_auth_ci_3',
'dbdriver' => 'mysqli',
'dbprefix' => '',
'pconnect' => FALSE,
'db_debug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),
'cache_on' => FALSE,
'cachedir' => '',
'char_set' => 'utf8',
'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'swap_pre' => '',
'encrypt' => FALSE,
'compress' => FALSE,
'stricton' => FALSE,
'failover' => array(),
'save_queries' => TRUE

With sess_match_ip set to FALSE, here is my table:

 `id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
 `ip_address` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
 `timestamp` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 `data` blob NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 KEY `ci_sessions_timestamp` (`timestamp`)

Anything to know about 3.1.3? This is just a standard issue Ubuntu 14.04 box. PHP 5.5. MariaDB 10.1.20.

RE: CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work - skunkbad - 01-10-2017

It looks like the use of sess_regenerate with the sole parameter set to TRUE is the problem. Why this is only a problem for my PHP 5.5 box I don't know.

RE: CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - Narf - 01-11-2017

Try with this:

RE: CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - skunkbad - 01-11-2017

(01-11-2017, 03:06 AM)Narf Wrote: Try with this:

Works for me. Hopefully it works for everyone.

Side note: I read in the PHP docs for sess_regenerate_id that the practice of destroying old session data immediately should not be done.

Quote:You should not destroy old session data immediately, but should use destroy time-stamp and control access to old session ID. Otherwise, concurrent access to page may result in inconsistent state, or you may have lost session, or it may cause client(browser) side race condition and may create many session ID needlessly. Immediate session data deletion disables session hijack attack detection and prevention also.

I'm not sure if this points to what was going on with this PHP 5.5 box, but this idea of having a destroy time-stamp is interesting. Maybe a future CI 3.x enhancement?

RE: CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - Narf - 01-11-2017

It's optional - if it causes problems (with AJAX requests), that's everything you need really.

And I wouldn't pay that much attention to that note, knowing who wrote it ... I'll only say that not every php-internals dev is a sane person.

RE: CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - skunkbad - 01-11-2017

Thanks for your attention. What happens now? Does this get put into 3.1.4?

RE: CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - Narf - 01-11-2017

Naturally, yes.

RE: CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - fangstar - 01-12-2017

Great. The src code fix worked for me.  I ran into same issue with 3.1.3 testing with basic Community Auth.

RE: CI 3.1.3 upgrade from 3.1.2 does not allow database sessions to work (PHP 5.5) - skunkbad - 01-12-2017

(01-12-2017, 11:15 AM)fangstar Wrote: Great. The src code fix worked for me.  I ran into same issue with 3.1.3 testing with basic Community Auth.

Community Auth was just updated last night, and the update makes it so the session ID regeneration after login matches the config option for sess_regenerate_destroy. Because the default is FALSE, unless somebody is setting it to TRUE, they would not need to apply the fix shown above.
