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Controller in subdirectory - Printable Version

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Controller in subdirectory - TaylorHicks - 06-19-2021

My folder structure is 
I have a file named Internal.php with a class name Internal that extends Controller the class has only one public method named bounce
I expected to be able to access the method at '/api/internal/bounce' but I get a 404 instead at that url.

If I move my controller to the /App/Controllers directory I am able to access the method at '/internal/bounce'

Can someone help point me in the correct direction?

Here is my routes file if it helps

PHP Code:
namespace Config;

// Create a new instance of our RouteCollection class.
$routes Services::routes();

// Load the system's routing file first, so that the app and ENVIRONMENT
// can override as needed.
if (file_exists(SYSTEMPATH 'Config/Routes.php')) {
    require SYSTEMPATH 'Config/Routes.php';

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Router Setup
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Route Definitions
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------

// We get a performance increase by specifying the default
// route since we don't have to scan directories.

/* Redirects for old site */


 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Additional Routing
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * There will often be times that you need additional routing and you
 * need it to be able to override any defaults in this file. Environment
 * based routes is one such time. require() additional route files here
 * to make that happen.
 * You will have access to the $routes object within that file without
 * needing to reload it.
if (file_exists(APPPATH 'Config/' ENVIRONMENT '/Routes.php')) {
    require APPPATH 'Config/' ENVIRONMENT '/Routes.php';

RE: Controller in subdirectory - venance - 06-19-2021

You need to specify the namespace and the namespace of the extended class or BaseController.

PHP Code:

//controller inside Api directory--- App/Controlles/Api/Internal.php

namespace App\Controllers;

Internal extends BaseController
      public function __construct(){}

      public function bounce(){}

RE: Controller in subdirectory - TaylorHicks - 06-19-2021

Thank You for your prompt reply.

I have the Controller namespaced and I am extending CodeIgniter\Controller rather than BaseController because my base controller has a lot of code for rendering my sites template pages that I didn't want to load for an API Call thats going to return json. I will probably make a new class 'ApiBaseController' in the near future to extend for my api controllers.

I was hoping to take advantage of the auto -outing feature so I didn't have to declare the routes for every api call and remember to change them if I change something in the future. This is just the first of many Controllers/Methods that will be implemented in this folder and I was hoping to get it working as it is described here CodeIgniter4 Controllers in Sub-Directories.

Edit: I got it working by changing the namespace from 'App\Controllers' to 'App\Controllers\Api'

PHP Code:
namespace App\Controllers;


Internal extends Controller {

    public function bounce() {}

RE: Controller in subdirectory - venance - 06-24-2021

Nice if you have solved the issue.

RE: Controller in subdirectory - InsiteFX - 06-24-2021

namespace App\Controllers\SubDirectoryName;