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How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - Printable Version

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How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - venance - 06-08-2022

Hello everyone, I'm trying to loop link in my pagination template view, I want to be able to check various condition with the counter,
for example:
PHP Code:
<?php for($i 1$i <= count($pager->links()); $i++): ?>
       <li style="padding:5px"><?= $pager->links()['title'][$i?></li>
<?php endfor; ?>
But I want to be able to uset array items within $pager->links(), uri, title est. Like when It used with foreach like this
PHP Code:
<?php foreach ($pager->links() as $link) : ?>
     <li <?= $link['active'] ? 'class="active"' '' ?>><a href="<?= $link['uri'?>" ?>"><?= $link['title'?></a></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
How this can be done with for loop?
Thank you in advance!

RE: How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - webdeveloper - 06-08-2022

I really don't know why you need this, but did you try it like below? If it's associative array, it should work.

PHP Code:
<?php for($i = 0; $i < count($pager->links()); $i++): ?>
       <li <?= $pager->links()[$i]['active'] ? 'class="active"' : '' ?>><?= $pager->links()[$i]['title'?></li>
<?php endfor; ?>

RE: How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - venance - 06-08-2022

Thank you @webdeveloper very much! It's working as expected, But I have a question about setting up the counter to begin with 1 instead of  0,
PHP Code:
for($i 1$i count($pager->links()); $i++): ?>
if($i >= ): ?>
        <li> <?=  $link[$i]['title'?></li>
<?php endif; ?>
endfor; ?>
The purpose of doing this is to be able to create ci4 pagination with the look like this: Prev 1 2 3 4 5 . . . 10 20 Next. So I can be able to generate some logic's to meet this features.
I would like to hear any advice or alternatives of doing the same with ci4 pager.

RE: How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - includebeer - 06-08-2022

Why not just add the key to the foreach like this:
PHP Code:
<?php foreach ($pager->links() as $i => $link) : ?>

RE: How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - venance - 06-08-2022

Thank you very much @webdeveloper  and @includebeer !.
Since I get trouble about extending Pager class,  I have decided to add some methods to straight to the system with namespace: CodeIgniter\Pager in codeigniter4/framework/system/Pager/Pager.php.
    So I can get the page number only without full url.
If is any way to extend pager class I would appreciate.

PHP Code:
public function getNextPageNumber(string $group 'default')

       $last $this->getLastPage($group);
       $curr $this->getCurrentPage($group);
       $page null;

       if (! empty($last) && ! empty($curr) && $last === $curr)
              return null;

       if ($last $curr)
              $page $curr 1;

       return $page;

public function 
getPreviousPageNumber(string $group 'default')

         $first $this->getFirstPage($group);
         $curr  $this->getCurrentPage($group);
         $page  0;

          if (! empty($first) && ! empty($curr) && $first === $curr)
                 return null;

           if ($first $curr)
                  $page $curr 1;

            return $page;

public function 
getCurrentPageNumber(string $group 'default')
        return (int) $this->getCurrentPage($group);

Here its's my custom pagination working.

PHP Code:
$link        $pager->links(); 
$endGroup    1;
$middleGroup 2;
$dots        false;
$pageCount  $pager->getPageCount();
$currentPage $pager->getCurrentPageNumber();

    <div class="pagination-container" aria-label="<?= lang('Pager.pageNavigation'?>">
        <?php if($pager->getPageCount() > 1): ?>
            <div class="paginate-info"> Showing {first_item_serial_page_number} to {last_item_serial_page_number} Of {getTotalresults}</div>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <ul class="pagination">
            <?php if ($pager->getPreviousPageNumber() !== null) : ?>
                <li class="page-item disabled">
                    <a href="<?= $pager->getPreviousPage() ?>"  data-page="<?= $pager->getPreviousPageNumber() ?>">
                        <span aria-hidden="true">Prev</span>
            <?php else:?>
                <?php if($pager->getPageCount() > 1): ?>
                    <li class="disabled">Prev</li>
                <?php endif; ?>
            <?php endif ?>

            <?php for($i 0$i count($pager->links()); $i++) : ?>
                <?php if($i == $currentPage): ?>
                    <li <?= $link[$i]['active'] ? 'class="active"' '' ?>>
                        <a href="<?= $link[$i]['uri'?>" data-page="<?= $link[$i]['title'?>"><?= $link[$i]['title'?></a>
                    <?php $dots true?>
                 <?php else: ?>
                    <?php if($i <= $endGroup || ($currentPage && $i >= $currentPage $middleGroup && $i <= $currentPage $middleGroup) || $i $pageCount $endGroup): ?>
                        <li <?= $link[$i]['active'] ? 'class="active"' '' ?>>
                            <a href="<?= $link[$i]['uri'?>" data-page="<?= $link[$i]['title'?>"><?= $link[$i]['title'?></a>
                        <?php $dots true?>
                    <?php elseif($dots): ?>
                        <li>. . .</li>
                        <?php $dots false?>
                     <?php endif; ?>
                 <?php endif; ?>
            <?php endfor ?>

            <?php if ($pager->getNextPageNumber() !== null) : ?>
                    <a href="<?= $pager->getNextPage() ?>" aria-label="<?= lang(''?>" data-page="<?= $pager->getNextPageNumber() ?>">
                        <span aria-hidden="true"><?= lang(''?></span>
            <?php else: ?>
                <?php if($pager->getPageCount() > 1): ?>
                    <li class="disabled"><?= lang(''?></li>
                <?php endif; ?>
            <?php endif ?>

I would like to hear from you about what I did, Also to improve the best pagination  that looks like this : prev 1 2 3 4 5 . . . 10 20 Next  to the final results.

RE: How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - InsiteFX - 06-09-2022

This method returns the page number of the current page.

This method returns total number of pages.

RE: How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - venance - 06-09-2022

(06-09-2022, 12:11 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: getCurrentPageNumber()
This method returns the page number of the current page.

This method returns total number of pages.

Yes exactly, the getCurrentPageNumber() return null | int, thus why I have to check if is greater than 0 be sure.
This help me when I want to use data attribute like data-page="1".
But, which way I can extend Pager class and add those methods instead of adding to the core so incase the system upgraded either with composer update, the library will not be affected.

(06-09-2022, 12:11 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: getCurrentPageNumber()
This method returns the page number of the current page.

This method returns total number of pages.

Yes exactly, the getCurrentPageNumber() return null | int, thus why I have to check if is greater than 0 be sure.
This help me when I want to use data attribute like data-page="1".
But, which way I can extend Pager class and add those methods instead of adding to the core so incase the system upgraded either with composer update, the library will not be affected.

RE: How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - InsiteFX - 06-09-2022

Then you must have something wrong in your code because I use both of those for displaying

Page 1 of 25

etc; And they work just fine.

RE: How to loop pagination links using for loop instead of using foreach loop - venance - 06-09-2022

(06-09-2022, 04:09 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: Then you must have something wrong in your code because I use both of those for displaying

Page 1 of 25

etc; And they work just fine.

No I didn't mean I get any error, the reason is to find the best way to extend pager class.
PHP Code:
CustomPagination extends Pager
      // some extra methods here like
     public function getNextPageNumber(){}
     public function getPreviousPageNumber(){}
     public function getCurrentPageNumber(){}

How this can be done?
Also, Can you please help me to improve the logic's in my pagination view. I think it's not working as I expected for the first number of pages after dots and the last number of pages to be shown after dots eg prev 1 2 3  . . . 10 11 12 next.