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PDO Extension


is there any PDO Database Extension for CI ? I just started to work with CI yesterday, but like to work with PDO and the "real" prepared statements for mySQL. CI has only Pseudo-prepared-statements mh ?

Why don't you use PDO directly. It already is a OO database layer. Just use the model classes to group the sql statements and you could use the database.php config file if you want.

ok you're right.

but i've some modifications for my PDO ... i tried to autoload the MyPDO.php, but it doesnt work cauz my __construct function. Is it possible to create different instances ? I've a project that needs 2 databases (1 mySQL / 1 MSSQL) separatly in much files.

Can i anyhow get second parameters for DSN into the autoload ? If not, is it possible to do that within this method -> $this->load->library('MyPDO'); ?

I guess you autoloaded MyPDO.php as a model, right? Well if you autoload it as a helper or a plugin the class doesn't gets instantiated and you will not have an error. In your models you can create new instances of that class.

i autoloaded it as a library .. i think a libary is that what is is ?

how can i create a new instances then at the models ? the question keeps the same Wink

$db = $this->load->helper('MyPDO'); havent any option to give parameters with it
$db = new MyPDO('xx', 'xx', 'xx', 'xx') wont work too mh ?

Thanks for ur help

$db = new MyPDO(‘xx’, ‘xx’, ‘xx’, ‘xx’) will work because it's php native.

If you follow the MVC guidelines strictly it should be loaded as a model but because the loader class initializes models and libraries you have to use the load the class as a helper or plugin hack.

I like PDO too (since that is what most projects use) so I built an extension to PDO that offers more things. PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer - but it didn't offer "query-abstraction". My Class is kind of like the DB classes of Zend and CI in that it creates the queries while PDO creates the result objects.


Let me know what you think Wink

Nice class xeon,

but i still missing the number one feature of PDO for me .. the prepared statements Wink

Consider that on the @todo list ;-)

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