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Dynamic Text Library

Does CI already have this feature? Like the "FEATURED LOGO" text on this website LogoGala. Anyways, if CI doesn't have this feature, is it easy to develope? Thanks. Smile

[eluser]Tom Glover[/eluser]
It would be a simple model that you could use to call randomly or in a sequence the required data from from the database. it could be a lib or could just be part of your model and controller. It would be easy to implement, as it is simple php / mysql.

Just like the normal way of doing it? Create a model within the nescesarry code and load the model + function on a text string?

[eluser]Tom Glover[/eluser]
Yep, you can do it that way. You can do it any way you feel comfortable, as there is no correct or wrong way to do things in CI, this is partly why so many choose it because it does not force developers to code in a set way.

[quote author="Tom Glover" date="1232493209"]Yep, you can do it that way. You can do it any way you feel comfortable, as there is no correct or wrong way to do things in CI, this is partly why so many choose it because it does not force developers to code in a set way.[/quote]

Thanks man Smile

[eluser]Deron Sizemore[/eluser]
Hey, just wanted to chime in here on the text. I'm using FaceLift to generate the text on LogoGala. It's very easy to implement and seems to work just fine (so far anyway).

Hope that helps and is what you were asking when you said "dynamic text."

Oh, help directly form LogoGala! That's what I wanted, I guess I'll try out FaceLift today, thanks man. Smile

Does anybody knows if it's possible to add strokes etc. to a dynamic text?

[eluser]Deron Sizemore[/eluser]
No problem!

[quote author="IamPrototype" date="1232547116"]
Does anybody knows if it's possible to add strokes etc. to a dynamic text?[/quote]

That I'm not sure about. I don't think you can with FaceLift, but you might be able to with some of the other font replacement techniques out there like sIFR. I just had a hard time getting sIFR to work so went with FaceLift and it worked for what I needed (nothing fancy).

These might be worth a look:


Thanks again, I'll take a look Smile

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