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Is there a better way to set these class vars after a query?

Is there a better way to set these class properties after a query?, I'm sure I saw a shorter way somewhere?
$query = $this->db->get();
if ($query->num_rows() == 1) {

$row = $query->row();

foreach ($row as $key => $val) {

  $this->{$key} = $val;


return $query->row();

I think you misunderstand my goal, I'm populating the class Properties, here's a better example, is there any way I can improve getArticle()?

class articles_model extends CI_Model {

// Database fields
public $ArticleID;   // int
public $SEOLink;  // str
public $PageTitle;  // str
public $Title;   // str
public $Headline;  // str
public $Body;   // str
public $PublishDate; // date
public $Active;   // bool
public $ImageFile;  // str
public $ImageTitle;  // str
public $ImageAlt;  // str
public $CreationDate; // date
public $ModifiedDate; // date

public function __construct() {



public function getArticle($ArticleID) {

  $this->db->where('ArticleID', $ArticleID);

  $query = $this->db->get();

  if ($query->num_rows() == 1) {

   $row = $query->row();

   foreach ($row as $key => $val) {

    $this->{$key} = $val;



  return $query;


public function old_getArticle($ArticleID) {

  $this->db->where('ArticleID', $ArticleID);

  $query = $this->db->get();

  if ($query->num_rows() == 1) {

   $row = $query->row();

   $this->ArticleID =   $row->ArticleID;
   $this->SEOLink =   $row->SEOLink;
   $this->PageTitle =   $row->PageTitle;
   $this->Title =    $row->Title;
   $this->Headline =   $row->Headline;
   $this->Body =    $row->Body;
   $this->PublishDate =  $row->PublishDate;
   $this->Active =   $row->Active;
   $this->ImageFile =   $row->ImageFile;
   $this->ImageTitle =  $row->ImageTitle;
   $this->ImageAlt =   $row->ImageAlt;
   $this->CreationDate =  $row->CreationDate;
   $this->ModifiedDate =  $row->ModifiedDate;


  return $query;



that's a lot of code.

Sure you couldn't just have:

$this->data = $this->db->get($table)->result();

Do you really need to put the data in properties?

If you tried what jognpeace suggests, $this->data would give you something like

array(4) {
  string(8) "nice-url"
  string(14) "The Page title"
  string(9) "The Title"

Explain your need to use properties, otherwise use the suggested.


[quote author="meigwilym" date="1328110391"]
Do you really need to put the data in properties?

Explain your need to use properties, otherwise use the suggested.

A. Typically I pre-populate form data using class properties and also use those properties for insert/update and for the view. If it's all in one model class as defined properties I find it's easy to read and debug any issues.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. The reason I asked the initial question is because sometimes I feel I am writing too much code.

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