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Template Library Version 1.3

How i can implement paging using Template library?


I read through the docs (well skimmed on my lunch break) and this looks just what I was looking for coming from being familar with Zend Layout.

I have installed and set up Matchbox on my CI Demo and wondering if there is anything I need to change or be aware of when setting up a master template to use with module views?


hey, well, the first thing you'll want to do is get off this old thread and get on to the new one:


[eluser]Tony Nash[/eluser]
@Colin Cool.....Great stuff!

Q) With this lib, is it possible to call controllers from view? ex; If I want to call list_latest_post() on side bar of my template for every page?

Also, it would be grate if you could compile documentations into a download package.

hi tony... it would be better for you to post your message to the template library version 1.4 thread. ;-) this thread has been dead since August 17th, 2008 - see previous posts for link to new thread.

[eluser]N Narayanan[/eluser]
Hi, I have been reading the users guide given in


It is very good, however I am unable to test them due to the following reasons, I would request Colin Williams to look into this issue,

I have 2 issues,

My reference is with respect to the following code in the user manul.

1) Issue 1

class Page extends Controller {

function Page()

function index()
// Write to $title
$this->template->write('title', 'Welcome to the Template Library Docs!');

// Write to $content
$this->template->write_view('content', 'post');

// Write to $sidebar
$this->template->write_view('sidebar', 'common/sidebar');

// Render the template

Take a look at the bold items in Blue color, this command is expecting me to have a post.php in the views folder, however this file is neither present in the template download nor described in the user manual. The same case is with respect to common/sidebar.php.

2) Issue 2

My output does not have colors / borders as given in the user guide, is there any css file I need to keep? or is there anything else I am missing?

I would appreciate if some one can help me to address the above.


[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]

1) Before using Template, please familiarize yourself with CodeIgniter Views (see the CodeIgniter User Guide). This will answer your questions about what post.php and common/sidebar.php should contain and where to create them.

2) Please download Template 1.4 and move discussion to the Template 1.4 thread at http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/88452/

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