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loader error messages?

I'm trying to run CI in a subdirectory. Here's the base_url from config.php:

$config['base_url'] = "https://scrapit.ca/service";

For some reason I'm able to load views, but not helpers and libraries.

Here's the code from my Welcome page:
class Welcome extends Controller {

  function Welcome()

  function index()
    if ($this->load->library('email')) {
      echo "ok";
    else {
      echo "blarg";

/* End of file welcome.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/controllers/welcome.php */

If you go here, you can see that the email library doesn't load (from the "blarg"):

My site structure is like this:
* service/
* system/
* etc... all the standard CI install.

The version of CI I'm using is 1.7.1

I suspect this is a permissions issue, but I can't figure it out because when I set the error threshold to 1, I get a 500 server error. Sad

$this->load->library doesn't have a return value, so you can't use it in an if like you do here... How do you know it's not loaded?
Set the log_threshold in your config file to 4, and check the log for error messages.

I wish I could. When I set log_threshold to any value other than 0, I get a 500 server error.

However, you've got me curious, so I'm going to make certain that the library is the problem before proceeding.

This is interesting. It appeared as though the permissions on the entire install were seriously borked, so I deleted my entire installation and started over. Sorry to waste your time.

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