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Tank Auth v1.0 (CI authentication library)

[quote author="pdriggett" date="1283304490"]Well, I couldn't find the problem, but I did convert to using reCaptcha instead and it is working perfectly.

Perhaps I'll try it again in the future, but for now I'm fine, since it works.[/quote]

Maybe it's Adblock Plus (or a similar add-on or program) that is blocking your captcha... Did you try another browser??

You know what doesn't make sense to me? How the username is in the session data, yet it's optional. Shouldn't the email be in there as a default? How do I even add the email to the session data? That's what I'm forcing my users to use when logging in, so I want to confirm they're logged in by using "[email protected] (logout)" in the top right corner.

This is what I'm currently using, which isn't terribly efficient:
$this->db->select('email')->from('users')->where('id', $this->session->userdata('user_id'))->limit(1);
$query = $this->db->get();
echo $query->row('email');

[quote author="Gromozeka" date="1249417640"]Also I recommend you comment the line
in library constructor to disable autologin (since it's not used on your site).[/quote]

I'd just like to confirm that this is all that is required if I want to disable autologin. My goal is to force users to manually login for each new session.
Can someone (Gromozeka?) confirm that this is enough?

Also, I agree with the second post as to the annoyance of the views being displayed in tables instead of semantic html/css: http://ellislab.com/forums/viewreply/560461/

This has actually taken up most of my time, re-factoring the views into html/css instead of tables.

Can you please look into bringing the views more up-to-date in terms of usability in your next release?

does this have oauth authentication ?


are you really asking about oAuth, or openID (tank_auth does neither, but it might make sense to at least develop a strategy for how a developer might include either of those features in a web app...)

the A3M authentication library here, seems to do it really well, except the developer is abit laggy. I dont see why Tank Auth, couldnt or shouldnt allow people to authenticate via facebook, gmail, yahoo, msn, etc. A3M allows you to authenticate and signup with system username and also link multiple social networking accounts.

honestly, i thought one of the most hyped about CI auth lib would have caught up to something like this.

He there,

I like tank_auth a lot but i have a trouble getting it to work on a server - it worked fine on my local machine.

The problem is, Phpass doesn't seem to hash the passwords. So when comparing a password submitted at login to the (hashed) password in the database it fails. Somebody suggested that the problem could be that my server doesn't support the encryption method. But I don't know how to change it.

Here are some more details: http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/167507/

Any idea how this can be resolved?

So I am in the process of extending this for my use and I am not sure about one thing.

I added a field named "admin" to the user table in the database to have a value or 0 or 1, and if 1 to display admin only items. However for some reason I can't get it to work right.

I am not sure how I should do the check. I want the admin to be able to view the page so I don't want to redirect them right away i just want to display a link saying "Admin CP."

I added this to the library
function get_admin()
        return $this->ci->session->userdata('admin');

I tried adding it to the controller and doing an if $admin == 1 but it didn't work so what would the best method of doing this be?


[quote author="loopy2" date="1284710999"]the A3M authentication library here, seems to do it really well, except the developer is abit laggy. I dont see why Tank Auth, couldnt or shouldnt allow people to authenticate via facebook, gmail, yahoo, msn, etc. A3M allows you to authenticate and signup with system username and also link multiple social networking accounts.

honestly, i thought one of the most hyped about CI auth lib would have caught up to something like this.[/quote]

Well tank auth was written for everyone to use, enjoy and extend. The author has no liability to extend it or add new features. It's open source, so you're more than welcome to fork or add patches. I'm probably going to do so with his views, taking the data out of tables so it's more semantic html/css.

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