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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.3

@Saniok, Yes use the _remap() method in your controllers and redirect or generate an error from there.

Join OK!!!!

Hi all,
I have troubles loading the view from a custom path (ex.from a theme)
I used to do this
$this->load->_ci_view_path = 'my/custom/path'
but using ME, this is set in MX_Loader::view and only module/application views are taken into account.
Is there a way to override this?

[SOLVED] I figured out myself it required a relative path

I trying use HMVC 5.3.4 with CI 2.
In localhost using MAMP work but in server at HostGator not work.

I get error: Fatal error: Class 'MX_Config' not found in /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php on line 71

Someone can help with this?

If HMVC works on localhost (MAMP) but not on HostGator then the problem is not HMVC. Your code or HostGator setup is the problem.

It would be helpful if you provided more information also!

Are you using HMVC features or only Modular Separation?

Which MY_ extension files are located in application/core and application/libraries?

Do you have CI logging enabled? What are the errors if any?

Hello wiredesignz!
Thanks to reply...

I follow steps in HMVC wiki more then 10 times, but nothing do this work on HostGator.
But if i use CI 2 without HMVC work fine.

PHP version in Hostgator is the same of localhost MAMP, both 5.2.3.


class Admin extends MX_Controller{

    function __construct()
            redirect('accesscontrol/login/form', 'refresh');
            redirect('adminpanel', 'refresh');


class Login extends MX_Controller{

    function __construct()

    function form()


Fatal error: Class 'MX_Config' not found in /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php on line 71

In log i get only:
ERROR - 2010-10-19 19:13:52 --> 404 Page Not Found -->

Please help me!

Did you change your base_url in application/config/config.php ?

Did you change the index.php to point to the system and application folders ?


If i turn on safe_mode work fine.
Is correct? I need turn on safe_mode?

Please answer my question. Which files do you have in application/core and application/libraries.
You do not need to extend MX_Controller if you are not using HMVC features.

I know he hasn't answered your question but I too found similar problems on the very first version of HMVC after both projects merged. I would run on MAMP with php 5.2 or 5.3 but not on HostGator. I didn't extend the MX_Controller and it still would not load on Hostgator and php 5.2, or 1and1.com (using 5.2 or 5.3) for that matter.

I did however just go back to the last version of the stand alone MS and washed my hands of the matter until I had more time, which hasn't been freed up yet.

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