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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.3

[quote author="Boris Strahija" date="1289594274"]Looks like it's a problem with lowercase letters.[/quote]

The CI naming convention is to use lowercase variable names for everything including libraries. So change your own code, not Modular Extensions.

[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1289616420"][/quote]

anything for my issue?

I don't want to break ME, by commenting out that class association in Ci.php.

Ensure you are using the most recent version of CI 2.0

The CI_Contoller class is loaded by the CodeIgniter bootstrap so it must exist.

well, I only downloaded it 3 days ago..

I guess I will download it again.

Hey WireDesignz, Is it possible to remove a module name from the URL for one module, and not others?

Just curious

Andy, Yes it is possible. Use the global routes file. application/config/routes.php

[quote author="loosetops" date="1289632588"]Andy, Yes it is possible. Use the global routes file. application/config/routes.php[/quote]

Thanks Smile

[eluser]Boris Strahija[/eluser]
I understand, but everything was working before Wink

@Boris Strahija,

If your code is not compliant with CI conventions it will most likely fail as things get updated and changed.

[eluser]Boris Strahija[/eluser]
I know, I just updated my libraries to lowercase so everything should be fine. Thanx for the reply

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