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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.3

@Timothy_, that first URL would be something like:

But you could also use module routes to use fewer segments.

@WanWizard, Yeah I can see that being useful, I will look into the functionality. Thanks.

[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1290771413"]@Timothy_, that first URL would be something like:

But you could also use module routes to use fewer segments.[/quote]


Have a great weekend!

Module model paths have been added to the CI_Loader::$_ci_model_paths array. Thanks WanWizard Wink


Thanks for the quick response!

It made sense. Thanks.


How do I get that kind of routes.




Legend: classifieds and blog are modules, and classes are controllers are edit methods.

What should the structure HMVC side?

Because we can see that if admin is a module I can not make subfolders.

Thank you

Sub-directories in modules function as they should.

Creating routes and understanding application structure are part of learning to use CodeIgniter properly. Good luck.

Thank you for your answer, but I'll still bother you a bit.

I have a small conflict between a sub folder and method


Quote:admin (module)> ad (folder)> annonces.php (controller)
if I do / admin / ads / I have my controller that load

By cons, if I want to call

Quote:admin / ads / categories (and its controller categories.php
), it seeks a method to load classes in annonces.php, I also assume that is where my routes.php comes to my rescue?

I tried: $route['ads/categories'] = "categories" but it does not work.

Thank you for your help, it is precious.

ps : Sorry if my English is not correct, I'm french and try to be as clean as possible.

[eluser]Johan André[/eluser]
[quote author="Kijer" date="1290980148"]Thank you for your answer, but I'll still bother you a bit.

I have a small conflict between a sub folder and method


Quote:admin (module)> ad (folder)> annonces.php (controller)
if I do / admin / ads / I have my controller that load

By cons, if I want to call

Quote:admin / ads / categories (and its controller categories.php
), it seeks a method to load classes in annonces.php, I also assume that is where my routes.php comes to my rescue?

I tried: $route['ads/categories'] = "categories" but it does not work.

Thank you for your help, it is precious.

ps : Sorry if my English is not correct, I'm french and try to be as clean as possible.[/quote]

A modules structure is essentially the same as your basic codeigniter application, that is:

      ad.php     <- Public controller

You can even use config, libraries, helpers, languages-folder in there too...

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