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DX Auth 1.0.6 (Authentication library)


I think i coulnt explain what i want. Lets say my username ApranaxFortress and i have friends on the website i want to get my friends online status. I want to see online friend in my contact list.


Apologies for not being clear enough. I realise that while creating a new user, DX_Auth checks whether the username/email address already exists in the system in a non-case sensitive manner. During the login process however, case matters.

I've dived into the library file, found the code I was looking for and fixed it.


----- Original Question below ------


I was wondering if it's possible to make the username case-insensitive so that usernames abc and ABC are the same.




I've been trying to figure this out for the last hour, but I couldn't seem to get it.
I deleted the "user_profiles" table and when I try to activate an account via the activation link, I get this error.

A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1146

Table 'domain.user_profile' doesn't exist

INSERT INTO `user_profile` (`user_id`) VALUES (22)


Now, I know what that means, but I can't seem to find which file I need to edit to remove that MySQL insert. I want to replace it with pending administration activation.

Does anyone know in which file I can edit this?

Thank you in advance.


If you just want to disable automatic activation, DX_Auth's configuration allows you to do that.

You can then see a list of unactivated users at backend/unactivated_users and choose to activate or delete them from the temp file.

If you're trying to do something else, perhaps you could try reframing the question.



The profile table is related to the users table so when you delete the profile table you run into problems.Dont delete the profile table until you figure out how to edit,delete or even update the profile table.

Hi guys
I'm having a little design problem within a Dx view file
In the example view file: system/application/views/auth/login_form.php there's a line (line 34)

&lt;?php echo $this->dx_auth->get_auth_error(); ?&gt;

This line makes the view to show an error message in case anything goes wrong. I've added a
<p class="error">

to the line, with a red backgroung, and this makes the red background to show always. The get_auth_error returns always an error, so I can't check like this (pseudocode):

if get_auth_error != 0 then show the error, else we keep this hidden

Hope you've understood my question

You could run a simple check:

$error = trim($this->dx_auth->get_auth_error());
echo (strlen($error) > 0) ? "<p class='error'>$error</p>" : "";



Can we have user guide as downloadable ?

A downloadable manual isn't a bad idea -- ala Datamapper/DMZ.


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