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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
The database should be 'utf_unicode_ci'.

oooook then, not sure what to make of this, but here goes.

I just downloaded the latest commit that Phil put up @ http://github.com/philsturgeon/pyrocms/c...0931bdffab

extracted it out and renamed the directory to 'pyrocms', went into the directory and found that there was no 'installer' directory of any kind, the only 2 directories there were application and codeigniter.

i copied the 'installer' directory from my 'capelcci' folder which is from the 2009-06-11 commit, ran through the installer, and the webpage is working fine. So either something happened to the installer when Yorick merged the language files into the master tree, or the problem has been fixed in pyrocms itself.

Only time will tell though, because as i say i had to copy the installer from an old copy to this commit.

it is likely that the installer was copying a botched database.php file into the application/config directory, but i'm not sure.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
God knows. Yorick has been doing some crazy sh*t trying to get to grips with Git but he has now been banished to branches so hopefully all will be well :-p

We'll be testing new additions one at a time instead of letting everyone pile right into the master.

Yorick, why has your installer vanished? Intentional?

ok, the 'http://localhost/pyrocms/admin/login.html' page is giving me that 'Content Encoding Error' page now, but so far the rest of the site seems to be working properly.

I'm going to remove Lighttpd from my main server and re-setup Apache2, that way i will be able to do testing both between wampserver running on my laptop and my main server itself.

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1245240607"]I think perhaps that the installer is failing to create the databases as UTF-8 unicode. Yorick, do you know if it will try this?

The installer simply runs the SQL files you made, it doesn't change the encoding itself.

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1245248400"]God knows. Yorick has been doing some crazy sh*t trying to get to grips with Git but he has now been banished to branches so hopefully all will be well :-p

We'll be testing new additions one at a time instead of letting everyone pile right into the master.

Yorick, why has your installer vanished? Intentional?[/quote]

The installer is still there, it's called Extinguisher : http://github.com/philsturgeon/pyrocms/t...tinguisher

Okay, here are the problems I have with my actual instance of pyroCMS which appears while working on multi-lang branch:

1.) CP -> Users -> View: throws an page error 404. Reproducable?
2.) CP -> Suppliers -> Create -> on submit: throws PHP Error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Suppliers_m::getSupplier() in C:\xampp\htdocs\web\pyrocms\application\modules\suppliers\controllers\admin.php on line 185
3.) CP -> Products -> Create needs a Supplier which cannot be created. (see 1.)
4.) CP -> Permissions -> new rule -> on module select the other dropdowns vanish
5.) CP -> Pages -> View: throws a error


so i finally got around to replacing LightTPD with Apache2, i have hit a slight snag though, i downloaded the latest commit version and put it onto my server and then proceeded to access it at 'hXXp://pharmacy.rayherring.net', it all seems to work fine except that none of the assets are working.

when i view the source page, it is apparently trying to find the assets at '/pharmacy/application/...' however that directory doesn't exist, it should just be trying to locate them at 'application/assets/...'

hXXp://pharmacy.rayherring.net is publicly accessible, so you can see just what is happening.

replace hXXp with http, for some reason, the CI forum decided to blacklist the address.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="BenneX" date="1245365390"]Okay, here are the problems I have with my actual instance of pyroCMS which appears while working on multi-lang branch:

1.) CP -> Users -> View: throws an page error 404. Reproducable?
2.) CP -> Suppliers -> Create -> on submit: throws PHP Error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Suppliers_m::getSupplier() in C:\xampp\htdocs\web\pyrocms\application\modules\suppliers\controllers\admin.php on line 185
3.) CP -> Products -> Create needs a Supplier which cannot be created. (see 1.)
4.) CP -> Permissions -> new rule -> on module select the other dropdowns vanish
5.) CP -> Pages -> View: throws a error


1 & 2.) Fixed and pushed to master.

3.) Assuming not a problem now you can add Suppliers.

4.) This would be the AJAX call failing. Can you tell me whats happening in Firebug as I see no issues here.

5.) What is the error? If you see no error and it looks like the view is partially loading then go to /codeigniter/libraries/Exceptions.php and comment out ob_start() on line 160. This should let the error be output but DO NOT FORGET TO PUT THE FILE BACK BEFORE YOU COMMIT ANYTHING ELSE.

[quote author="ray73864" date="1245413824"]when i view the source page, it is apparently trying to find the assets at '/pharmacy/application/...' however that directory doesn't exist, it should just be trying to locate them at 'application/assets/...'[/quote]

I will be replacing the constants.php logic with some much better logic used in my new and uncoupled Asset library shortly, this should take care of these annoying URL issues as the URL is a much more standard that file paths.

Ray, would you like to join the team and take a step up from awesome tester to awesome contributor? I won't be offended if you don't have time. Smile

Hi Phil,

probably just stick to 'awesome tester' for now, i work monday to friday doing.... programming for work (both web and character based POS), and then program after hours for business websites and all.

tester just gives me that momentary time away from programming even if it is only for 5mins or so Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Ha no worries. I have the same problem, 9-5 then crazy projects and occasional freelance in the weekends. Luckily I am making PyroCMS part of my freelance so me getting paid improves the CMS. Whoop!

If only I had time to make the Widgets module... THEN we'd be cooking with gas.

Also, what do you guys think about me implementing HelpfulParser into PyroCMS? It needs some work on the syntax, but I think its almost there. Could run pages and theme files through there.

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