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Autocrumb - Lightweight Breadcrumb Helper (ver.12.05.1)

Awesome work. I'm using it for my internal project! Is there a way to deactivate the home page link throught the config?

[quote author="s0l1dsnak3123" date="1291058734"]Awesome work. I'm using it for my internal project! Is there a way to deactivate the home page link throught the config?[/quote]
I've make some modification on initial or home breadcrumbs configuration. Now you can hide entirely home breadcrumb or apply style/attribute to home link or deactivate home page link as your request. Download or clone the source on autocrumb bitbucket. Please try all new configuration and let me know if something goes wrong.

That seems to fix it. Thanks a lot for the fast response! Smile


I'm currently testing your breadcrumb solution and I wouldlike to know if you have a easy solution in order to load the breadcrumb parameters from a database ?

best regards

Just commit a bug fix on bitbucket, please update your Autocrumb source.

[quote author="sulian.lanteri" date="1291311104"]Hi,

I'm currently testing your breadcrumb solution and I wouldlike to know if you have a easy solution in order to load the breadcrumb parameters from a database ?

best regards[/quote]

Here what I can suggest:
1. Create a new table named autocrumb_config.
2. Create fields with name same as config name. E.g: table fields: multilang, set_home, attr_home, etc.
3. Create autocrumb_model that return all field value as array.
4. Load autocrumb_model in breadcrumb_helper and create a variable that store all config value as array from the model.
5. Change all this line $CI->config->item('autocrumb_config_item') to something like $autocrumbs_config['autocrumb_config_item'].

That's all Smile

Using this for my project, really like it ... simple, flexible & best of all it works Smile Thank you for the time and effort you have put into this.

This is great, thanks for this.

I know it may sound daft, but is there a way to get rid of the Home link?

Thanks in advance Smile

I don't understand how the multi language works for this =\

I got it working...

But i think you need to rewrite the description, because it is a mess lool

And btw, why don't you make it so, if the $config['multilang'] is true, the function looks automatically on the language file, instead os us writing all the pages we want to be translated in the rewrite ?


I found a little bug.

When you have

$config['unlink_last_segment'] = true;
$config['hide_number'] = true;

$config['hide_number_on_last_segment'] = true;

And in your url you have a number, your last segment get's the hiperlink..

My > Testing > Url

The Url get's and anchor tag, and it shouldn't..

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