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Matchbox RC2

No problem! Wow, that is very cool. Matchbox climed a notch in my book.
Thanks for a great module!

Any module manager out there? *echo*...*echo*...*echo*...

I mean how would it even get implemented?

I had planned to make one, but still haven't made anything usable. Basicly it would work by having a file in the module root folder with methods for installing/updating/etc.

If I'll ever get it done, it wont be in the nearest future.

It is possible to call a module from a view ike in ME :
<?php echo modules::run('module_name', $data, 'method_to_call') ?>
or did I have to use librairies to do that kind of job from a view ?

No, this is not possible with Matchbox. I try to keep it as close to CodeIgniter except for the added organization possibilites. Using Matchbox, libraries is probably the way to go, yes.

Is the install uninstall module functions in the latest release? I know you talked about them not long ago. I'm not asking about an actual administration page just the library functions?

I'll just qoute myself Smile
[quote author="Zacharias Knudsen" date="1208057135"]I had planned to make one, but still haven't made anything usable. Basicly it would work by having a file in the module root folder with methods for installing/updating/etc.

If I'll ever get it done, it wont be in the nearest future.[/quote]

Besides, the install/uninstall wouldn't be functions as such, as it were the module developers themselves that would fill them out, and the module manager merely calling them. What they would contain would mostly just be database table imports.

I've been wondering if some kind of unpacking mechanism (for images, stylesheets, etc, that could be exported to a given asset directory) would be of interest.

That would be good, might have to then implement my own install/uninstall methods.

HI, all is working fine at my local server but when i but the site live it gives the below error..
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: module_model()

My local server is Windows/Apache/PHP 5.2 /Mysql 5
& my online server is Linux/Apache/PHP 4.4 /MYSQL 5

plz help i don’t know what’s wrong..

problem is at the default controller that load when you access the domain url

class Site extends Controller {

    function Site()
        #load modules
        $this->load->module_model('news','news_model', 'news');

Sounds very much to me like you're using an old version of Matchbox which required a fix for PHP4 servers (since CodeIgniter couldn't, and still can't - damn you devteam, extend the Loader class in php4). My best advice would be to upgrade, but if you do not wish to do so, a hotfix file should have been provided with the version you downloaded.

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