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BackendPro 0.6.1

@lehi.here: Have you tried making sure the log folder is writeable as jTaby suggested can be the cause of the problem.

@ddrury: Thanks for the quick fix, Ill have to take a look into a solution. Currently have University finals so will have to wait one more week. God I can't wait, can actually do some coding instead of revision.

Hi Adam,

Best wishes for finals, my nephew has just finished his.

However - I'm an idiot!!

In my solution the line "$file = $parts[0] . '.' . $parts[1];" should be omitted and come to think of it the file naming could be simplified as well


[quote author="adamp1" date="1211854068"]@lehi.here: Have you tried making sure the log folder is writeable as jTaby suggested can be the cause of the problem.

Hi Adam,

I am getting something now after i set the logs folder to writable. Here is the message I saw on my screen:

An Error Was Encountered

Unable to load the requested class: backendpro

Some more help, please. thanks!

Well that's meaning the autoload file cannot find the main application class. Now the class should be located in system/application/libraires/backendpro.php

If it isn't there or you changed the location of the application folder recheck the file structure.

[quote author="adamp1" date="1211899574"]Well that's meaning the autoload file cannot find the main application class. Now the class should be located in system/application/libraires/backendpro.php

If it isn't there or you changed the location of the application folder recheck the file structure.[/quote]

It's working now. Yes, there is a file called BackendPro.php. But it is in upper case, lower case combination. Once i changed that file name to all lower case, it's working. thank you very much!

Seems like thats a bit of a bug, will have to change it to lower case since a few people seem to have that problem.

[eluser]Tom Glover[/eluser]
I had the same problem.

Hi Adam,

Herewith a simplified solution for CSS file loading. I think this will work from a caching point of view with all the css files being cached but only being loaded as necessary through the use of the conditional comment.

Hope the finals are going ok


function _include_css($file)
           /* CSS files containing Internet Explorer specific style fixes
            * should be named using the form 'condition.ie.css' with an
            * underscore '_' replacing the space character. For Example
            * gte_ie_6.ie.css will then produce a line wrapped in the correct
            * conditional comments
            if (strpos($file,'.ie.css') === FALSE)
                $prefix = '';
                $suffix = '';
                $prefix = '<!--[if ' . preg_replace(array('/ie/','/_/'),array('IE',' '),basename($file,'.ie.css')) . ']>';
                $suffix = '<![endif]--&gt;';

            $this->output .= $prefix . '&lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . base_url() . $file . '" /&gt;' . $suffix;
            $this->output .= "\n";

I like that idea, the only issue I can think of is due to how backendpro caches them server side. What I mean by this is it combines all files into 1 single CSS file (thus decreasing http header calls). If the conditions are outside of the file then when they are combined they would be lost.


Then if I'm reading you right this solution won't work at all. I think you're implying that css property definitions get overwritten as later files are cached.

The only other solution I can think of is to use CSS hacks (Holly Hack etc.) to target the various browsers but I'm not at all keen on doing that.

I think on the whole I'd rather take the hit on the headers and separate the files in the cache.


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