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BackendPro 0.6.1

I have a plugin in system/application/plugins/myplugin.
I want to load this plugin in modules/pages/controller/admin.

How do I load the file?

Thanks in advance.

Please go read the CI manual fully, then please go read the BackendPro manual fully.

BackendPro is built on CI, it uses all the same principles and design ideas. I don't mind answering a few questions but you have been asking a lot of very basic questions which would be answered if you read the manual.

Speechless. :-(

Has anyone successfully installed install BackendPro using a postgres database instead of MySQL?

Ok, I have read the manual. And I have a question. I hope someone will reply.

I have extended Site_Controll as following.

class Shop_Controller extends Site_Controller
    function Shop_Controller()

        // Set container variable
        $this->_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_shop') . "container.php";

        // Set public meta tags

        // Load the PUBLIC asset group
        log_message('debug','BackendPro : Shop_Controller class loaded');

Now it works fine except when I use the following.

        $data['page'] = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_shop') . 'frontpage';
    $data['module'] = 'mymodule';

The problem is that I need to put frontpage.php in system/application/views/shop/frontpage.php.

According to the manual it should be modules/mymodule/view/shop/frontpage.php

Yes, I have added in MY_Controller.php as follows.

Yes, I have added in system/application/config/backendpro.php as follows.
$config['backendpro_template_dir'] = "";
$config['backendpro_template_public'] = $config['backendpro_template_dir'] . "public/";
$config['backendpro_template_admin'] = $config['backendpro_template_dir'] . "admin/";
$config['backendpro_template_shop'] = $config['backendpro_template_dir'] . "shop/";

Thanks in advance.

Can I ask what the value of $this->config->item('backendpro_template_shop') is? I take its just shop/.

EDIT: Sorry never mind didn't read the bottom bit.

One other silly quick question. I take it the file modules/mymodule/view/shop/frontpage.php, exists?

Thank you for your reply. Yes it does.

It is working now.

I changed from
<?php $this->load->view($page); ?>
<?php print displayStatus();?>
    <?php print (isset($content)) ? $content : NULL; ?>
    if( isset($page)){
    if( isset($module)){
        } else {

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Hey Adam, any chance to get latest sources from a SVN server or GIT ?

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