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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="fatdog" date="1250807088"]Ok,
Finally I have some time to test and try PyroCMS to see if I could use it for a personal project. This is going to be a long post.
I don't know if anyone will read all this text in broken English, but still here I'm posting all the issues I encountered when test driving pyro.
I really want to make pyro my battle horse, so I decided to document my second experience with it.

1. - Going to pyrocms throws this:
Is this a feature? Wink

2. - This is minor, but When installing, after submitting the database settings I got
"The database configuration file could not be written, please chmod PyroCMS's database.php file to 777"
I think this will be better showed as a warning before submitting.

(there is no 3).

4. - I submitted the database info again and I got this again:

"The dummy data could not be inserted, please verify your settings."

The script created the table, but no dummy data seemned to be inserted (more on this later).

Since I can't get past this point, and there is no indicator of how many steps are there in the installation, I have no Idea if there should be something more to the installation.
I expect there should be a "succesfull installation" page with the admin data, etc.

5. - I try to visit the root of the site, but I'm getting a database connection error if I try to visit the site.
The database.php info got written correctly, and I can connect manually to the database.

So I searched CI forums. Solution: changed the pconnect setting to FALSE on database.php

6. - Now I can access the site to a nice 404 page.
I can access the control panel fine.
Also the spanish is broken. I can help with that once I make pyro work.
BTW, I never chose spanish anywhere. Why is it chosing the langague for me?

After messing around a bit and creating a couple of pages, I found out that I have to manually add the links to the navigation menu.
Once I did this, I lost the 404 error. I got a home page. I don't know if this is a feauture, but it's confusing.

7. - I went and tried to add the dummy data manually out of the sql file.
I got a a "Duplicate entry" error on the table categories, so I guess dummy data did got inserted partially.
(is there a duplicate insert somewhere, and that's why I was getting the error?)

8. - Captcha is not working. (No image shown).

9. - Those are some big ass SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS buttons.

10. - PyroCMS default theme by Yorick throws the following error on the sidebar:
"Error Number: 1146
Table 'somedatabase_pyro.widgets' doesn't exist
SELECT name, area FROM (widgets) WHERE `active` = 'true' AND area LIKE '%sidebar%'"

Also it doesn't show the login-logout links.

11. - Freshmedia theme doesn't show the sidebar

12. - I stopped testing here. I might get into it later. Maybe try to find why captcha is not working, or dive into the templates to see how that works, or maybe try to adapt a direct image/file uploader I made a while ago to the TinyMCE editor.[/quote]

Please report any issues using the Bugtracker instead of this topic Smile

Quote:10. - PyroCMS default theme by Yorick throws the following error on the sidebar:
"Error Number: 1146
Table 'somedatabase_pyro.widgets' doesn't exist
SELECT name, area FROM (widgets) WHERE `active` = 'true' AND area LIKE '%sidebar%'"

It isn't finished yet, that's why Wink

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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS - by El Forum - 08-20-2009, 02:00 PM

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