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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="bdegier" date="1258041836"]What does the Staff page do in the admin panel? I can't find any documentation about it Tongue[/quote]

The documentation is being worked on and will be on the website for around v1.0. Until then things are changing so much there is little point in writing up docs that will be out of date with the next minor release.

Staff module was from the retro-days as a simple way to put in names, images and bios for staff members, who can be in the DB as users, or as names entered via the staff GUI. Use it if it fits, if not you can probably just make a page and upload some images with the image uploader added in v0.9.7.

[quote author="bdegier" date="1258041836"]
Errors i found/encountered:
When opening /admin/comments it throws this error:
Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in C:\xampp.5.2\htdocs\pyrocms\application\modules\comments\controllers\admin.php on line 47

The error is coming from this line:

$this->data->modules = $modules + array('module' => 'all')

The error happens as there are no comments (meaning FALSE) is returned, adding FALSE to an array means BOOM. I'll fix this one tonight, not sure how it has been missed for so long!

[quote author="bdegier" date="1258041836"]...could you please explain how to add more fields to the user profile and registration forms? I'd like people to have to fill in their Chamber of Commerce number, phone, address etc etc.[/quote]

Currently to add new fields you would need to modify the modules, which is against my recommendations right now. This is a feature that will no doubt be implemented in the future.

[quote author="bdegier" date="1258048494"]user_lang.php


I'll slowly translate the other stuff.[/quote]

A better way to handle this would be to download the current latest release via Git, convert all the files and then either push them to the repo (if I give you access) or send me a ZIP containing all the lang files. Tracking them via pastie will be VERY time consuming for the both of us.

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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS - by El Forum - 11-12-2009, 07:05 AM

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