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flexi cart - A comprehensive shopping cart library for CodeIgniter

While we discuss about discounts, I'm trying to edit part of my code to use your libraries as much as possible.

These were previously false/false and now are:
$config['defaults']['configuration']['display_tax_prices'] = true; //previously, I was calculating the taxed price of each product by myself.
$config['defaults']['configuration']['price_inc_tax'] = false;

So when adding items to the cart with insert_items(), the value for price is 82.64 without VAT.

By using set_tax() and setting 'rate' to 21, I see 99.99 as price including taxes. Although, there are some rounding problems. I had them too, then I decided to use your libraries more, hoping to solve them :/

Here's what happen:
I added that item (82.64, 99.99 with VAT).
I set the quantity to 2.

echo $this->flexi_cart->item_price_total($row['row_id'], false, false, false); //199.98
echo $this->flexi_cart->item_summary_total(false, false); //199.99

Is there any way around this?
I noticed because when I started working with discounts rounding became a serious issue.

Thanks again.

Messages In This Thread
flexi cart - A comprehensive shopping cart library for CodeIgniter - by El Forum - 11-20-2012, 09:44 AM

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