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SEAuth - Session Extension for Authorization - Please take a quick look!

[eluser]Costa Rica SEO[/eluser]
[quote author="outrage" date="1222190170"]Very nice and simple.

I didn't notice any checking of inputs though unless global filtering is autoloaded??

For example:

$this->input->post('user') may be better as $this->input->post('user', TRUE)

Good effort though Smile[/quote]

Very true. The application that I copied the code from is on our internal server, so I didn't bother with validation (as it's not on the web). Like I said the program code is SUPER simple examples. I literally wrote all of this in two hours, so I expect there to be a few glitches.

The My_Session.php shouldn't need validation. That would be part of passing the variables to the login function. So I think the core code (just not the SUPER simple example) is solid.

I love programs like FreakAuth if you're running a big site with lots of users, but for my own internal apps (or maybe a simple CMS or blog area on a client site) this is all of the authentication that I need.

Messages In This Thread
SEAuth - Session Extension for Authorization - Please take a quick look! - by El Forum - 09-23-2008, 10:52 AM

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