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Some questions about CodeIgniter (not CI4)

(01-04-2016, 03:08 PM)Aendawan Wrote:
  1. Why not make codeigniter respects the standards?
  2. Why codeigniter is frowned upon by many?
  3. Is the other who is wrong, or do we question ourselves.
  4. Is that with CodeIgniter 4, we will finally be able to take the place we deserve? Or is what we as users codeigniter, we will continue to be denigrated.
  5. My impression, reading other than codeigniter is breathless. It gets to the end. Should we migrate framework?

I have been using CI since version 1.7.X (2009), and over time I've had my own complaints about CI, and some seemed legitimate. I too, at times, have desired different types of autoloading, namespacing, etc. I checked out other frameworks, and even starting writing my own. In the end though, I always end up coming back to CI. The reason why is that I don't even need to look at the docs anymore (for the most part). When I work, I just make stuff happen, and it's easy. So, if you want a easy framework and getting stuff done quickly is a priority, then there's not much to complain about.

On the other hand, there are some pretty cool things you can do with PSR-4 type autoloading, DI containers, etc. I'm coming from a point of view where I'm working for a living, and these things just don't matter to me. At the end of the day, I'm still going to make my hourly wage, and so why make things harder for myself?

So, to answer your questions:

1) Who's standards? Some other framework's standards? Some group of developers who decided they were going to set "the standard"? I've never subscribed to be a follower of others, and I don't agree with some of the "standards" that other devs have decided are the right way to do things. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, until my boss is telling my I have to abide by standard X, Y, or Z, I'm going to do things my way.

2) CI is frowned on by many because they want a non-backward compatible framework that uses features from newer versions of PHP. Also, there may be issues with unit testing in CI, although I don't do unit testing so I can't tell you. I don't even think I can tell you how many hundreds of times I have heard people complain about CI's backwards compatibility, as if it was a limitation of the framework. I personally don't need the backwards compatibility, but I for one am sick of hearing people complain about CI. Go somewhere else and find yourself in the pit of despair should you have a question that nobody wants to answer or can't answer. CI's always had a decent community, and unless the forum questions are hard to understand, you'll usually find that you get good support here. CI is a very mature framework, so there's not a lot of kinks to work out, and that means stability. Tell me how many different version of Laravel have came out in the last 3 or so years.

3) If you're questioning yourself about your use of CI, it's probably because you don't have enough experience with CI and the other frameworks to know the difference. I DO think you should try other frameworks, because you may find that another is better for you, and then you wouldn't be here asking about them.

4) CI4 is going to be developed for PHP7, so I think that should make everyone happy. There's always changes happening in the world of PHP, so I suspect that by the time CI4 is ready for production, there will be a new "standard" by some hipster devs, and they will just bash CI again. If you enjoy being in line with the trendy devs, you're going to want to read all of the dev blogs. Don't worry, they will tell you what to do.

5) I have a lot of time invested in CI, and one of the deficiencies that I felt CI has is no auth, but I developed an authentication system that works for me. I don't see myself going out (again) and trying a new framework anytime soon. Even the thought of migrating to CI4 makes me a little anxious, because I am so comfortable where I'm at. A couple of the things I like the most about CI aren't available anywhere else, like the database query builder. Although I did some work to isolate it: https://bitbucket.org/skunkbad/breakout-db . I also really like the routing, as I find no advantage to adding a new route to a routes file every time I need one. I am very comfortable with CI's form validation, sessions usage, and all of the helper functions.

I would say that if you want to try other frameworks, you should! I think there's a good chance you might yourself back here using CI.

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