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Loading models in controllers by extending a custom core class.
(This post was last modified: 05-25-2019, 03:10 AM by bartMommens.)


I'm currently building an application that uses the same models in different controllers. Instead of using the normal way, being loading the model in the controller i've build a "core controller" (Foundation_controller) which can load models all other controllers extend from this controller in a way.

In those extended controllers i load my model the following way:

PHP Code:
#Controller example
class Mod_controller extends Foundation_controller
 public function __construct()
        #function from foundation_controller
       $this->list_model $this->load_model('list_model'truefalse);
private function 

PHP Code:
#Function to load the models from foundation controller

protected function load_model($model_id$mandatory false$die_on_fail false)

        $model_data $this->get_model_info($model_id);

        if(empty($model_data['model_alias']) || empty($model_data['model_path'] || empty($model_data['model_class_name']))
            #outputs simple json fail object..
            api_message_present_simple_failure_message('mi-error-01: ' $model_id);

        if ($this->model_did_load_check($model_data['model_class_name'])) {
            #model is already loaded return the object
            return $this->get_model_object_from_alias($model_data['model_alias']);

        if ($this->check_model_php_file_exists($model_data['model_path'])) {
            #load the model here based on file path and alias.
            $this->load->model($model_data['model_path'], $model_data['model_alias']);
            if ($mandatory) {
                if (!$this->model_did_load_check($model_data['model_class_name'])) {
                    if ($die_on_fail) {
                        #outputs simple json fail object..
                        api_message_present_simple_failure_message('mi-error-02: ' $model_data['model_alias']);
                    return false;
        } else {
            if ($mandatory) {
                if ($die_on_fail) {
                    #outputs simple json fail object..
                    api_message_present_simple_failure_message('mi-error-03: ' $model_data['model_alias']);
                return false;
        #model successfully loaded return the object
        return $this->get_model_object_from_alias($model_data['model_alias']);
protected function 

*It' might look confusing here because i load the model in the constructor, but in some controllers i load a specific model (or get the object) inside of a function or at a certain point in a process.

Everything works but now i'm concerned this could lead to a potential security risk, or bad resource management , since the models are being loaded "somewhat" globally.

Some models are in subfolders and some versions of the app require a different version of a model. Or some app versions don't have some model files at all. (Lite version)

The main thing is that each controller in the app extends from Foundation_controller to use the load function, some controllers are being used for pages with "public" access and others are behind a authenticated users part. The main reason why I have the load_model function is that I don't want to repeat code to check if the model file exists, a particular function exists and that the class has already loaded. Also this approach has less chance for typos and if a model path changes less work to refactor.

Now I have doubts that this is secure, and I wonder if this is a valid way to load models in codeigniter and that it remains secure and stable / performant. 

All remarks and suggestions are welcome.

Best regards, Bart

Messages In This Thread
Loading models in controllers by extending a custom core class. - by bartMommens - 05-25-2019, 03:09 AM

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