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404 Page Not Found—> assets in log files

It happens because like it was mention before either someone or most likely an indexing bot or evil bot is visiting your site trying to find exploits or previous links.

But most likely is a bot whether is from a search engine or someone trying to look for an exploits on your site they are just in a way testing to see if anything returns.

admin, admincd, testing, assets, etc... are very popular destinations for control panels and other things.

In reality is not an error that you have to worry about CI is just telling you that someone is visiting that route and it doesn't exists.

What can you do? you can be creative, like using an htaccess file to route those routes, or you can create a routing control and in your routes file just add those routs that don't exist and rout them to go back to your home page, or turn off error reporting in the config file.

Depending on who is visiting your none existing pages I would utilize them to get more traffic to my existing pages by either a redirect in a controller or a cool 404 letting those visitors know that the page that they are looking no longer exist and give them some cool urls to go to on my website.

Now if they are evil bots or spider bots then I would just block them through htaccess.

But is up to you on what you want to do, aside from that you really can't do much there will always be a dead link on a site and whether CI is cathing the error or not your server is.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 404 Page Not Found—> assets in log files - by d1a8lo24 - 01-27-2015, 01:31 AM

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