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Modular Extensions - Version 4.3

done! I thought it was with tags like html instead of square brackets! Wink

It's related to the .htaccess / default page pair...

With no .htaccess and setting index.php as home page, pages appended to the address work.

Does it mean $routes collides with .htaccess?

This is routes.php:
$route['default_controller'] = "default_controller";

$route['scaffolding_trigger'] = "";

$route['(.*)'] = 'default_controller/$1';

This is .htaccess:
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|robots\.txt|backend\.php|css|img)

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

Its unlikely to be a conflict, you may need to adjust $config['uri_protocol'] for your server

I'm on http://localhost/sitename/ and have used CI locally for other projects without problem.

Why is it that appending uri segment to the adress a 404 page appears?

Modular Extensions has no interaction with routes, it just does what you tell it to do, so I can't really offer much help here. Sorry.

[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1205261263"]Modular Extensions has no interaction with routes...[/quote]

This is part of Modular Extensions, right?

$route['(.*)'] = 'default_controller/$1';

Never mind... It has something to do with the ubuntu local apache2 and php5 install as it seems to work properly on the remote server.

I'll have to tweak the local server... Any clue?

Hi again!

I got it working on remote server! Smile

Now a software design question... Where would you put a "makeMainMenu" module that has to be called on every page as it loads the Section/Areas menu common to all pages?

The idea would be not to call it on every page, just call it once, get the values matrix in a var and use this var to generate the menu on each page marking the active area as "active" on every method.

Create a modules/menu directory, put the module controllers, models and views into this.

Call the module from your main template if you have one. Or as the partials are being rendered call the menu module appropriately.

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