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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
Done working on the template for the day. Those who want to know how the template looks like should do a checkout at the Git repo. Once that's done set the default template to "pyrocms". Do note that it's done for about 20%, many things aren't working yet.

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1244484050"]Arg so many bugs! I have created an issue for the / problem on github which is an easy fix.

The user/admin issue is a strange one. Can you check in the database for me? Also running a exit($this->db->last_query()); after the updateUser() model call would she a bit of light.[/quote]

ok, when i create a new user, the db definately has the role set to 'User'.

This is when i create a new user:

INSERT INTO users (email, password, salt, first_name, last_name, role, is_active, activation_code, created_on, ip) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'a86b46ed18ae730181a0939419fde2c2ece08e0d', '29RBr', 'Test', 'User', 'user', 0, '1wXM4y7F', 1244496622, '')

and this is when i update the user to make them an Admin:

UPDATE users SET first_name = 'Test', last_name = 'User', email = '[email protected]', is_active = '1', role = 'user' WHERE `id` = '3'

it is like the
$this->user_lib->create($username, $password);
function is completely ignoring the 'role' field.

Update: Just checked modules/users/libraries/User_lib.php and it is indeed hardcoding the role to 'user' on line 82.

I think if you put a check in there to see if an admin is logged in, and if so allow the role to be set to something else, otherwise hardcode it to 'user' that should fix the security risk and allow admins to create new admin accounts.

Next bug, i can't delete an inactive user. If i click on the 'Inactive users (1)' link, then put a tick in the checkbox next to the inactive user i want to delete, and then click on 'delete' at the bottom of the table, it comes back with "Error You need to select users first."

However if i click on the 'delete' link under 'actions' for that user, it deletes just fine, so i think it has the same problem that the users list page originally had.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Ok all the other bugs have been fixed in v0.9.5.3 but I didnt spot this post until after I tagged it. This one will make it in with the next version. I really hope there isn't a v0.9.5.4!

I am hugely grateful for your help with all this testing ray, but really embarresed with so many bugs. They have all come from sweeping changes made over the last few versions and should really never have made it into the main codebase.

Thanks again, your name is going in the README thanks. :-)

tis cool, these things happen, one of the reasons i like your CMS, mine that i was doing was ok, but it didn't look nice or anything.

I will be creating a few different modules here and there too, one to show in-game magazines from a text-based game and several others like it for the same game, then there will be a shopping cart and all.

Hard part about a shopping cart is that every business is different in how things are done and required for it.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Definatly. I think you are right so far in seeing the shopping cart as a seperate entity. The cart is just something to put stuff in, which goes to a checkout which will be pretty much the same for everyone. The only bit I see as being different is the actual "things".

For that, products, services (those two need some SERIOUS work) and other modules can all put items into the cart, and thats where the different businesses can act differently.

A cart is definatly something I want to see added to PyroCMS. I have a project on hold that will need one so if it kicks back up again we'll see a cart pretty soon. If not, feel free to contribute anything you like to the codebase. Always happy to get contributions of code as well as stellar testing :-)

yeah, i have a shopping cart already created for a business i am doing a website for, will have to do some cleanup in it, and have it use the CI cart library, then it will be finished

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
Just finished working on a simple installer for PyroCMS, will give it a bit of styling tomorrow. Expect to see it on github somewhere around 12:30 PM, Dutch time Smile

Oh and before I forget, Phil, is it ok if I start cleaning up several modules, such as the news module ? Right now a lot of things are hardcoded and are preventing me from actually styling the template the way I want it Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Oh cool! The assembla ticket mentioned I had an old installer knocking around in the old SVN repo but hopefully this one will be even better! Perhaps you can steal a bit of that or something, who knows.

Lots of the news is hard-coded yes. One thing I'd ask is that if you do modify much of it, could you perhaps look at modifying the other themes too? Otherwise as you start commiting work it will start breaking my design lol.

One thing we need to work out is how to keep the styling for the layouts modular and theme dependant... If the CSS is in module folders, it is not theme dependant. If it is themes, how do new modules get their CSS in? Etc...

Thanks for all the help on this Yorick, grabbed a copy of your theme and so far it is brilliant!

ok, another bug, i thought it was fixed previously but perhaps not.

I left the base_url set to what you had it as in config.php (the dynamically work out the base_url type thing), but when i pull up a page (such as the 'themes.html' in the admin section) it comes up as a 'Page Load Error' not a CI error but a normal browser error as in page not found.

The URL it decided to use was: http://localhostpyrocms/index.php/admin/themes.html

it seems to be missing the / between 'localhost' and 'pyrocms'. This is on the latest tagged release (

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