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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1244523343"]Oh cool! The assembla ticket mentioned I had an old installer knocking around in the old SVN repo but hopefully this one will be even better! Perhaps you can steal a bit of that or something, who knows.

Lots of the news is hard-coded yes. One thing I'd ask is that if you do modify much of it, could you perhaps look at modifying the other themes too? Otherwise as you start commiting work it will start breaking my design lol.

One thing we need to work out is how to keep the styling for the layouts modular and theme dependant... If the CSS is in module folders, it is not theme dependant. If it is themes, how do new modules get their CSS in? Etc...

Thanks for all the help on this Yorick, grabbed a copy of your theme and so far it is brilliant![/quote]

What you could do is make a folder for each module in the your theme folder. Users who have worked with Joomla before will know what I mean, if not take a look at the following:

Themes structure

  your template

So when the user goes to a certain module, let's say the news module, the system will open the associated .php file for the module (which is stored in the themes folder). This will make templating a bit harder, but it does give you full control over the layout.

This type of templating will most likely also require the users to tell the system where those modules have to appear.

I can see how that would get out of hand rather quickly though, as it means you have to maintain code for multiple copies of the same module just in different themes folders.

even if you only stored the views in the themes folder it would still get out of hand very quickly.

probably one of the reasons why Joomla is overly bloated.

one of the advantages it does give you is the ability to theme each individual component of a module, but really, all the views in the modules folder should just be simple HTML that CSS can stylise.

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="ray73864" date="1244559815"]I can see how that would get out of hand rather quickly though, as it means you have to maintain code for multiple copies of the same module just in different themes folders.

even if you only stored the views in the themes folder it would still get out of hand very quickly.

probably one of the reasons why Joomla is overly bloated.

one of the advantages it does give you is the ability to theme each individual component of a module, but really, all the views in the modules folder should just be simple HTML that CSS can stylise.[/quote]

Agree with that, I'll have a look at it later today.

Anyways, I've uploaded the installer to the Git repo, it can be found in the installer directory. Don't forget to delete it once you're done !

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Wow that's beautiful! Really impressed with that dude.

As always though, I like pointing out bugs and issues (I spend all day having people do it to me, need some revenge now and then).

If you put in incorrect data it takes quite a while to get back with a fatal error:

Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli-mysqli]: (HY000/2003): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'sdfsdf' (10060) in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\pyrocms\installer\includes\database_class.php on line 14
Can't connect to MySQL server on 'sdfsdf' (10060)

Could we get the script returning these errors instead of a direct output? Looks much neater. Also, we should probably use the database.sql files that already exist, just so there is no duplication.

Should we delete the /database folder, or get install.php looking at /database instead of /installer/sql_files?

Good work though dude, I was dreading having to do this. :-)

Hm.. there could be an own Controller in every Module who allows to define which css-classes to use.
I mean:

There should be a Theme with clear Styling-Guidlines to allow the Module-Developer to use the standard-classes for styling his output. So the Modules would work with every Theme which follows these Guidelines. If the Module needs his own classes, they should be stored in a own css-file within the module-folder, for easy installing purposes. And here it should be possible, to assign Style-Changes very easy, over an special Module-Controller, which allow to overwrite the css-styles of the Module over the ACP with a easy to use GUI.

But I think, if the Guidelines of the theme are well thoughted, the module won't need any style-changes, and should work with every Theme which follows the guidelines. If not, the developer of the theme have to solve this problem by his own.

For that Idea, it's only required to seperate the "layouting" and the "theming/coloring" to allow the same layout with other colors and the same colors with an other layout. Then, if the Module-Author uses the given color-classes, the theming issue would be solved ^^

Okay, enough about this topic. Now I come to my main-question.
As I told you some posts above this one, I like pyroCMS very much but doesn't match with all my requirements. But... if I change everything I need to, it would be impossible to update pyroCMS... So I wanted to ask, if I could help you by developing pyroCMS, to make it even better Smile
Well, I'll be glad to help you with this Project, Phil. But there are some little problems. Especially my english isn't as well as it should be, so I hope my posts are understandable. And I don't have much expirience with international team-coding over the www... But maybe you can tell me more about this topic ^^
Hmm, know I'm going to wait for your answer. maybe you don't need my help or haven't enough time to manage it...


[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1244570051"]Wow that's beautiful! Really impressed with that dude.

As always though, I like pointing out bugs and issues (I spend all day having people do it to me, need some revenge now and then).

If you put in incorrect data it takes quite a while to get back with a fatal error:

Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli-mysqli]: (HY000/2003): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'sdfsdf' (10060) in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\pyrocms\installer\includes\database_class.php on line 14
Can't connect to MySQL server on 'sdfsdf' (10060)

Could we get the script returning these errors instead of a direct output? Looks much neater. Also, we should probably use the database.sql files that already exist, just so there is no duplication.

Should we delete the /database folder, or get install.php looking at /database instead of /installer/sql_files?

Good work though dude, I was dreading having to do this. :-)[/quote]

Yeah I know the errors are kinda dirty, will add some better validation soon Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
BenneX: I think the best way you could help out would be to help the massive task of converting the system to use language strings. I spend all my time on bugs and new features, I do not have the time to convert the hardcoded text to language strings.

be3 was meant to be doing this but has since vanished.

You will need to be ok with Git to join the team sadly, you have experience with this?

There are several things that need to added, such as block management and view editing via a GUI. These will all need to be PROPERLY planned before we can start working on them. I might have to set up a forum for PyroCMS to discuss each of these options properly.

Yeah, then I'll work on the language-system Wink I think you mean all Strings within the whole application-folder including the modules, right? Should be no problem Wink

I'm sorry, but I've never used github before... Can you tell me, what I have to do to join the team and give me a short introduction? I've installed "msysgit" and created an account on github.com. What I have to do next?
Thanks in advance for your help Smile


[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
[quote author="BenneX" date="1244575925"]Yeah, then I'll work on the language-system Wink I think you mean all Strings within the whole application-folder including the modules, right? Should be no problem Wink

I'm sorry, but I've never used github before... Can you tell me, what I have to do to join the team and give me a short introduction? I've installed "msysgit" and created an account on github.com. What I have to do next?
Thanks in advance for your help Smile


First do the following : http://github.com/guides/providing-your-ssh-key

Pulling a repo

1. Create a folder somewhere and give it the name "pyrocms" (can be anything actually).
2. Open up your console and navigate to the folder created in step 1.
3. type 'git init' to create an empty repo in that folder.
4. Type in the following commands :

git remote add origin [email protected]:philsturgeon/pyrocms.git
git pull origin master

5. If everything went ok you should now have a working copy of PyroCMS.

How to commit an update

1. Open up the terminal / console and go to your local repository
2. Type 'git status' to see which files need to be added, have been changed or have been deleted.
3. To add files type the following:

git add FILENAME

To add everything inside an directory do the following:

git add path/to/directory/

4. Set a commit message

git commit -m 'YOUR MESSAGE GOES HERE'

5. Upload the changes to GitHub

git push origion master

That should do it Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
You have been added to GitHub so you can now run the commands Yorick has shown you to get going.

For more help about using Git could you PM me or Yorick and we'll walk you through it.

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