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Tank Auth v1.0 (CI authentication library)

In users.php I noticed the purge_na() function used to delete non-activated users.

function purge_na($expire_period = 172800)
        $this->db->where('activated', 0);
        $this->db->where('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) <', time() - $expire_period);
        $this->db->delete($this->profile_table_name); //added by me

I added the last line to also delete profile data because I add profile data immediately when a user registers.

Is this function for the the email activation expire in config?

$config['email_activation_expire'] = 60*60*24*2;

thanks for help about my previous question.

so here is a new question, when user decides to signup to site with twitter, he/she have to fill a form with username and email. I added a new form field there called "location".

When the person fills the form and "location" field and submits the form location row at users section stays empty.

Perhaps i should add info about this new form field about where it should be submitted. But i can't manage to find in which file i should add that new location information to save database.

Hi all,

I just wanted to point out a bug (!?!) I think I've found in tank_auth autologin feature. For autologin, Tank_auth saves the user id and random key as cookie and md5 of their concatenation in the database. It all works fine so long as the user_id in users table and id in user_profiles table are in sync and have same value. But, since $user->id returns id of user_profile not user_id of users table, when users.user_id!=user_profiles.id... wrong user is set for autologin. I'm working on customized code of tank_auth, I'll go through the code and will confirm. I've, in the meanwhile fixed the issue by using $this->....->create_autologin(userdata('user_id) instead of what's in the code that is $this->...->create_autologin($user->id). I'll confirm it in the morning after I've got some sleep. Its 3am in India Sad

Hi x3cu73. Thank you for sharing the issue! I noticed that autologin does not work in some browsers and wanted to investigate that.

I'm looking forward to your confirmation.


You were dead on with that analysis and you saved me from hours of work tonight.

To fix the issue I changed the following lines:

Line 85 from :




Line 390 from:




Do you do the same or similar. Anything else you caught?

I tested that out by logging in using autologin, then deleting just the ci_session cookie, closing my browser, opening back up and going back to the page. Whereas before that would have logged me in as a different user, it seems to be working as intended now.

If you found anything further please share.

Thanks again!


Glad I could be of help.

You missed one thing. In auth controller,
public function autologin()
                'user_id'    => $user->id,
                'username'    => $user->username,
                'email'        => $user->email,
                'status'    => STATUS_ACTIVATED,

Change this to...

public function autologin()
                'user_id'    => $user->user_id,
                'username'    => $user->username,
                'email'        => $user->email,
                'status'    => STATUS_ACTIVATED,


Good catch. That's in the Tank_auth library though, right?

Yup, library, not controller..

Does anybody have any idea what is wrong with the following function from Tank Auth controller (application\controllers\auth.php):
function logout()
  $this->session->set_userdata(array('twitter_id' => '', 'facebook_id' => ''));
The problem is that the message passed to the _show_message() function is NEVER showed. Actually the same problem is everywhere the tank_auth->logout() function is used. After this call all messages set using _show_message() are ignored.

Later edit
I found the solution here:

I tweaked on the purge_na function in models/tank_auth/users.php, as I am using a database other than MySQL and the function UNIX_TIMESTAMP is MySQL-specific. Rather than depending on a database-specific function, I use a PHP function to pass an ISO-8601 datetime format, with the timezone correction removed (MS SQL doesn't like that part of the 'standard' - grr).

function purge_na($expire_period = 172800)
$this->db->where('activated', 0);
# MySQL Specific: $this->db->where('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) <', time() - $expire_period);
# now creates a generic sql like WHERE created < '2011-06-15T06:15:58'
$this->db->where('created <', substr(date('c',time() - $expire_period),0,19));

I use the same logic in can_reset_password() and reset_password() and it appears to be working fine.

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