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DMZ 1.7.1 (DataMapper OverZealous Edition)

I'm having an issue with include_related. I saw someone had the same problem a while back, but I don't think it was resolved. Here is basically what's happening:
$stories->where_related_link('parent_id', 198)
        ->include_related('link', NULL, TRUE, TRUE)
On my local server (MAMP on my MacBook) this works just find and for each "story" I can access its associated "link." As soon as this code was moved to the web host, it stopped working. In order to access the "link" I have to remove the "include_related" and use:
foreach ($stories as &$story) {
MAMP is running PHP 5.2.10, and the web host is running 5.2.12. Both servers are running the same application, same version of CodeIgniter (1.7.2) and DMZ (1.7.0).

[quote author="sethbaur" date="1270688912"]
On my local server (MAMP on my MacBook) this works just find and for each "story" I can access its associated "link." As soon as this code was moved to the web host, it stopped working.[/quote]

Have you tried debugging any? What queries are being generated? Are they different, or the same?

Make sure all errors are being output to the browser.

Are you sure that your database is configured the same on both? Do you have the Production Cache enabled? (If so clear it, and disable it. If it works, you can try re-enabling it.)

Delete all application files (especially models and libraries) from the server and re-upload them.

Since both versions of PHP are close, you should see if there are known problems with the updated version of PHP. Maybe a php.ini configuration change or something similar.

I test on PHP 5.3.1 and 5.2.11. I have never had any issues switching. (Well, since I updated everything to work with 5.3.)

I probably won't be able to provide any support for a while, but maybe these suggestions will help.

I've a basic understanding problem with $object->save();

I want do create a fake row in the object for a dropdown-field in a form like (-- please select -- ). How can i manage this?


gets me all items. that is OK. Now i want to add one Item with the row ('NULL','-- please select --') to the object. I don not want to save this row but use it for a 'has one'-relation without 'NOT NULL'.

Is there something like:

$object->add_row('id,title',array(NULL,'-- please select --'));

for an Object?

Thank you an sorry for my bad english.

This really doesn't have anything to do with save, so I'm confused.

If you want to add a --please select-- row, you just add it to your HTML code. If you really need this on the object itself (which, in my mind, is a hack), then you can manipulate the $object->all array, which is a simple array containing models. You could array_shift a fake object into the array.

(But this really should be handled in the view.)

As far as saving, you'll need to check the validity of the field manually in the controller.

[quote author="OverZealous" date="1270689658"][quote author="sethbaur" date="1270688912"]
On my local server (MAMP on my MacBook) this works just find and for each "story" I can access its associated "link." As soon as this code was moved to the web host, it stopped working.[/quote]

Have you tried debugging any? What queries are being generated? Are they different, or the same?[/quote]

I work with Seth, and did some testing on this issue as well. Using this function:

$posts = new Post();
$posts->include_related('category', NULL, TRUE, TRUE)->get();
echo '<hr>';
foreach ($posts as $p) {
    echo $p->category->title . '<br>';

I get this result locally:

SELECT `posts`.*, `categories`.`title` AS category_title, `categories`.`created` AS
    category_created, `categories`.`updated` AS category_updated
FROM (`posts`)
    `categories` categories ON `categories`.`id` = `posts`.`category_id`
ORDER BY `posts`.`created` desc

and this remotely:
SELECT `posts`.*, `categories`.`title` AS category_title, `categories`.`created` AS
    category_created, `categories`.`updated` AS category_updated
FROM (`posts`)
    `categories` categories ON `categories`.`id` = `posts`.`category_id`
ORDER BY `posts`.`created` desc

Another difference, if it's relevant, is that locally PHP is running as 'Apache 2.0 Handler', and remotely its 'CGI/FastCGI'. MySQL versions 5.1.37 (local) vs. 5.0.90 (remote).

EDIT: The issue is persistent with or without production cacheing.
EDIT: Same result if both systems are using the same DB config.

The query is correct, at least as far as having the joined columns.

Have you tried running that query manually on the server? Is it returning the correct results?

Try calling get_raw instead of get, and looking at the CodeIgniter query result directly, to make sure that the results are correct there.

Assuming the queries are returning the exact same results, try using include_related without instantiating, and see if that works. If that works, then most likely something is happening on the server that is causing $posts->_instantiations to be unset or set to NULL.

[quote author="OverZealous" date="1270759431"]Assuming the queries are returning the exact same results, try using include_related without instantiating, and see if that works. If that works, then most likely something is happening on the server that is causing $posts->_instantiations to be unset or set to NULL.[/quote]

Now we are getting somewhere! Running this on both server works:
foreach ($posts as $p) {
    echo $p->category_title . '<br>';

So it seems to be related to the instantiating.
->include_related('category', NULL, TRUE, TRUE)

There's only two places that DMZ clears the _instantiations array. Either immediately after processing a normal get query (in the _process_query function, which is only used in get and query), or the _clear_after_query function, which is only used when calling get_raw or get_sql.

You could insert some debugging code into the _process_query and _to_object functions to output the results of the $_instantiations variable.

If the array is correctly configured (it's a map of related_field => array(db_column => instantiated_field), then something is wrong with creating and assigning the related column.

It's possible that the version of PHP you have on the server doesn't like the assign-by-reference used for _get_without_auto_populating. If you don't use auto_populate (which I recommend you don't), you could try changing line 5956 from this:
$c =& $item->_get_without_auto_populating($related_field);
to this:
$c = $item->{$related_field};

I'm not even 100% sure the assign-by-reference is necessary at this moment, but since I put it in there, I probably determined it was required.

how could I create my own field type for htmlform FOR my extension without using a helper?
just like:
function _input_text($object, $id, $value, $options)

And how can could I call _input_text insite my extension class?


The HTMLForm extension is no longer supported or being updated.

Feel free to modify the extension directly.

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