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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.3

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Damn, twat alert I thought I already had MY_Lang in place. I updated to your latest Loader and added:

<?php (defined('BASEPATH')) OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

require APPPATH."third_party/MX/Lang.php";

class MY_Lang extends MX_Lang {}

Can you please add this to BitBucket? It really is required.

My PHP error_reporting has already set to E_ALL | E_STRICT and my code is running well before I try Modular Separation. Does anyone here have problem with PHP 5.3.1 too? Please share with me. Thanks

[quote author="ardinotow" date="1285267303"]My PHP error_reporting has already set to E_ALL | E_STRICT and my code is running well before I try Modular Separation. Does anyone here have problem with PHP 5.3.1 too? Please share with me. Thanks[/quote]

I have/had the same problem...

A few hours ago i had lampp 1.7.3a (xampp for linux) running. I installed CI 2.0 and HMVC 5.3.
I did not get it to work.

The same as you. blank screen and my log files only showed wat you were saying. my php logs were
on ALL and STRICT mode and showed notting.

By disabling the MY_controller and MY_Loader i had my default welcome screen (application/controllers/welcome.php).

I gave up.

NOW i'm running a lower lampp server (1.7.1). And guess what....
Started the server. and it worked. almost out of the box.

If someone figures this out.. i'm happy.
My install was correct because, when i downgrade to php 5.2.9, everything is working perfectly.

Please HELP (Us)...


Playing around with latest CI 2.0 and HMVC - clean install.

Did the set up with welcome and all seemed fine. Flew in a module I had previously built in 1.7.2 and Mod Sep - changed a few things around and had a problem loading models. So as a test I added a 'model' to the 'welcome' module and loaded it and got this...

Fatal error: Class 'Model' not found in /application/modules/welcome/models/welcome_m.php on line 4


class Welcome extends Controller {

    function Welcome()
    function index()

/* End of file welcome.php */
/* Location: /application/modules/welcome/controllers/welcome.php */

<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Welcome_m extends Model {

    function __constuct(){
/* End of File: welcome_m.php */
/* Location: /application/modules/welcome/models/welcome_m.php */
Do I have to do a 'class Welcome_m extends MX_Model' now? This, as I say is a clean install.

I've had the same problem, just a "blank page". It seems to be due to some error that is occuring in MX/Base.php.

I added a bunch of messages to the system and was able to narrow down that it made it up to the step in MX/Base.php where it includes MX/Config.php, and never makes it past that include. I haven't been able to figure out what's wrong with MX/Config.php but that's where things seem to be dieing.

~ Christopher

[quote author="coffey" date="1285280495"]Playing around with latest CI 2.0 and HMVC - clean install.


So as a test I added a ‘model’ to the ‘welcome’ module and loaded it


class Welcome extends Controller {

    function Welcome()

Believe you need to do

class Welcome extends MX_Controller {

    function _construct()

@WhIteSidE, The MX_Config issue has been answered earlier in this thread. Please search before asking.

@coffey, You will need to learn how to upgrade your code to CI 2.0 before learning how to use Modular Extensions.

@ardinotow, a blank page is due to an error (obviously) stopping your script but not being reported properly. It is a PHP setup problem.

@wiredesignz, point taken .... but actually this is exactly the process I was starting, I just hadn't expected this error which is why I removed my module and tried to very simply add a call to a basic model within my working 'welcome' controller and when it errored up on the same line instantiating the class - class Welcome_m extends Model - I thought maybe this was something others had experienced.

But I shall do another totally clean install tomorrow with the latest versions and see what happens... this aboration will doubtless evaporate as they so often do.

[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1285294331"]@ardinotow, a blank page is due to an error (obviously) stopping your script but not being reported properly. It is a PHP setup problem.[/quote]
Have you try using PHP 5.3.1 too and on what OS ? If this is only a PHP setup problem I will not take seriously and start coding with earlier LAMPP version Smile.
Thanks Wire

class Welcome_m extends Model {

class Welcome_m extends CI_Model {


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