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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.3

Thanks wiredesignz, that's good to know.

As always it takes a little time to get use to new code.


Im having the same problem as Phil on this ! soon as i put it on a live environment its giving the same fault Sad ??

@Bainzy, It is beginning to sound like a file naming issue or loading sequence issue.

Try moving the code on line 3 of MX/Loader.php ...

(class_exists('CI', FALSE)) OR require 'Ci.php';

... to a line after the end of the MX_Loader class declaration.

Is it feasible to include config & libraries inside a module where the module library is using an instance of the ci object to load a module config file (module/config/foo.php) with $this->ci->load->config('module/foo') or another a config in another module like config('other/foo')?

I'm having difficulty with attempting to load any type of module files like configs or models in this manner from a module library, what would be the best way to implement this?

[quote author="wingdspur" date="1285879977"]Is it feasible to include config & libraries inside a module where the module library is using an instance of the ci object to load a module config file (module/config/foo.php) with $this->ci->load->config('module/foo') or another a config in another module like config('other/foo')?

I'm having difficulty with attempting to load any type of module files like configs or models in this manner from a module library, what would be the best way to implement this?[/quote]

Well it seems once I dropped MY_Config and MY_Lang into application/core and extended their respective MX classes this took care of the issue...

[eluser]Boris Strahija[/eluser]
I'm having the issue that I can't load any CI libraries. I installed ME like it says in the instructions but loading the cart library just doesn't work: I'm always getting:
Message: Undefined property: CI::$cart
Filename: MX/Loader.php
Line Number: 143

And another question. I would like to use ME for my CMS, so I can create modules for various sections. Eg.

That's all fine, but I would like to have those modules loaded with the URL http://mysite.com/backend/dashboard. Notice the "backend" segment. That one should be first.
And I would also have a "frontend" module, that would get loaded without that backend segment. Something like the "404_override" route which I'm using now.

I would really appreciate some feedback on this. Thanx.

@Boris Strahija, You may have a problem with your installation if you cannot load libraries. Try a clean installation with Modular Extensions version 5.3

The module set up for your application would be something like:

There is no 404_override route in Modular Extensions version 5.3, But there is a 404 route?

[quote author="Boris Strahija" date="1286080908"]I'm having the issue that I can't load any CI libraries. I installed ME like it says in the instructions but loading the cart library just doesn't work: I'm always getting:
Message: Undefined property: CI::$cart
Filename: MX/Loader.php
Line Number: 143

And another question. I would like to use ME for my CMS, so I can create modules for various sections. Eg.

That's all fine, but I would like to have those modules loaded with the URL http://mysite.com/backend/dashboard. Notice the "backend" segment. That one should be first.
And I would also have a "frontend" module, that would get loaded without that backend segment. Something like the "404_override" route which I'm using now.

I would really appreciate some feedback on this. Thanx.[/quote]

I had the exact same issue. It seems to happen when you extend just controller instead of extending MX_Controller. Try extending MX_Controller and the issue should fix itself, not idea as to why though.

I'm using the latest install of XAMPP on my machine that I am encountering these issues on.

[quote author="Vheissu" date="1286100923"]

I had the exact same issue. It seems to happen when you extend just controller instead of extending MX_Controller. Try extending MX_Controller and the issue should fix itself, not idea as to why though.


Read the wiki page and even this thread again.
"Controllers or their base controller must extend the MX_Controller class if you wish to use HMVC"
"Controllers may extend the Controller class if you only require modular separation"

[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1286102988"][quote author="Vheissu" date="1286100923"]

I had the exact same issue. It seems to happen when you extend just controller instead of extending MX_Controller. Try extending MX_Controller and the issue should fix itself, not idea as to why though.


Read the wiki page and even this thread again.
"Controllers or their base controller must extend the MX_Controller class if you wish to use HMVC"
"Controllers may extend the Controller class if you only require modular separation"[/quote]

The same issue happened with me. I didn't want to use the HMVC features and just extended the controller like you normally would, but even though I didn't want to use HMVC features I still had to extend MX_Controller or I had the same error messages as above.

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