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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.3

Wiredesignz, i have:




Using HMVC 5.3.4, yes, i need HMVC features.

I am starting a very big project for a very important company, so I would be sure about using this version of HMVC and CI2. I use the CI are about 2 years but this is the first time to develop a system using the architecture HMVC in the Codeigniter.

I even get angry with some people here and would like to apologize, it's like I'm being hard pressed to show results and was responsible for the adoption of Codeigniter in the company here.

Thank you very much for your help.

I do not believe there is any fault with Modular Extensions HMVC because it is being used successfully by many other developers on many server platforms.

You describe it working successfully on your MAMP stack so that leads me to think it may be a class or file naming issue which is highlighted on a linux platform and not on Mac.

I believe that the "class not found MX_Config" error only occurs after other errors cause your script to fail.

Please ensure you have PHP ini display_errors on and error_reporting(E_ALL) is set in index.php

Php is set with E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE.
Do not believe the problem is with the HMVC or with CodeIgniter, I believe is a path used by any of them, I'm doing tests but could not figure out until now.

Set error_reporting to E_ALL for debugging man! You need to see ALL errors!

I set to E_ALL but i dont get any error...

Add print_r(get_included_files()); immediately after require_once 'Config.php'; in MX / Base.php

Check which files are loaded. Post the list here!

i get this:

Array ( [0] => /home/empre/public_html/index.php [1] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/CodeIgniter.php [2] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Common.php [3] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Compat.php [4] => /home/empre/public_html/application/config/constants.php [5] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Benchmark.php [6] => /home/empre/public_html/application/config/config.php [7] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Hooks.php [8] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Config.php [9] => /home/empre/public_html/system/libraries/Log.php [10] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Unicode.php [11] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/URI.php [12] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Router.php [13] => /home/empre/public_html/application/core/MY_Router.php [14] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Router.php [15] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php [16] => /home/empre/public_html/application/config/routes.php [17] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Output.php [18] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Input.php [19] => /home/empre/public_html/system/libraries/Security.php [20] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Lang.php [21] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Base5.php [22] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Controller.php [23] => /home/empre/public_html/application/core/MY_Controller.php [24] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Controller.php [25] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php [26] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Lang.php [27] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Config.php )

That's impossible to read, re-post the source man. You are not making it very easy to help you!

In any case you can see that MX / Config.php is loaded so the MX_Config class MUST be available.

The fault is not with Modular Extensions HMVC.

As a matter of interest, do you notice anything wrong with this file name from your earlier post?


Sorry man...

Array (
[0] => /home/empre/public_html/index.php
[1] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/CodeIgniter.php
[2] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Common.php
[3] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Compat.php
[4] => /home/empre/public_html/application/config/constants.php
[5] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Benchmark.php
[6] => /home/empre/public_html/application/config/config.php
[7] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Hooks.php
[8] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Config.php
[9] => /home/empre/public_html/system/libraries/Log.php
[10] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Unicode.php
[11] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/URI.php
[12] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Router.php
[13] => /home/empre/public_html/application/core/MY_Router.php
[14] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Router.php
[15] =>  /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php
[16] => /home/empre/public_html/application/config/routes.php
[17] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Output.php
[18] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Input.php
[19] => /home/empre/public_html/system/libraries/Security.php
[20] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Lang.php
[21] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Base5.php
[22] => /home/empre/public_html/system/core/Controller.php
[23] => /home/empre/public_html/application/core/MY_Controller.php
[24] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Controller.php
[25] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php
[26] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Lang.php
[27] => /home/empre/public_html/application/third_party/MX/Config.php )

I do not think it's a problem with the HMVC, i just try undestand relation with safe_mode... now all work fine... I will continue with the project development and update the post if I find something related to this issue. Anyway I would like to thank you for your help and for sharing this code with the community.

EDIT: No problem with Jsmin.php.

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