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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.3

Hi wiredsignz

I use HMVC and I like it

thank's a lot about your modular

and my question

if I have 4 modules can i set base_url each modules ?

so every modules have different base_url


on module A :


on module B :


on module C :


thank's before


@mahrizal, Yes, If a controller is named the same as the module or if you use module/config/routes.php

Please read the Bitbucket wiki instructions

[eluser]Abu eldahab[/eluser]
For every one who Faced problems with Modular Extensions - HMVC and got error

application/third_party/MX/Base.php on line 71

and using CI 2.0 with PHP 5.3.x

you should make sure that PEAR path is correct in php.ini configuration


I think I'm getting to grips with modular extensions and think they will make a massive difference to how I build applications. However I've got stuck with something I thought would be a formality. I have a main template view file located in application/views. I want to insert a view partial contained in a module (workspace/views). So far I've tried 3 different ways but none are working. This is what I've tried and the error it generates:
1) load directly from the template view file with $this->load->view('workspace\tab_v);
This gives me a blank page and a 404 error in my log.
2) I try and assign it to the $data array from within my controller. $this->data['tabs'] = $this->load->view('tab_v', '', true); I then pass the array through to the template to output. This just gives me a blank screen and the error log ends at the last successful call.
3) I create a separate function within the module controller to simply load the view then from the template file echo modules::run('workspace/workspace/get_view');
This again returns a 404 in the log.
I've checked and double checked locations and typos etc. I just can't work out why it can't find the file!

$data['name'] = 'whatever';

See the CodeIgniter User Guide:

Loader Class


Thanks, but I know how to load views. My question was specifically to do with the use of modular extensions.

<?php echo modules::run('workspace/get_view'); ?>
This should work from your main template. Simply try returning a value from the get_view() method first.

(Using Latest CodeIgniter 2.0 and HMVC revisions)

When I attempt to use functions from the security class (which should be autoloaded), in controllers that extend MX_Controller like:

$test = $this->security->xss_clean('dfibjdhbfg');

In MX_Controller __get is not returning the loaded object, I'm getting this error in my controller:

Quote:Call to a member function xss_clean() on a non-object

which is caused by this error from the MX_Controller __get function trying to return the security class object:

Quote: Undefined property: CI::$security

I'm able to successfully call functions from the benchmarking class and other libraries that are autoloaded by CI, but the security class is giving me fits.

The security class is only loaded as core class when 'global_xss_filtering' is set to TRUE.

[quote author="WanWizard" date="1288055945"]The security class is only loaded as core class when 'global_xss_filtering' is set to TRUE.[/quote]

Oops, my bad. Thanks

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