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Flexigrid - Lightweight but rich data grid

[quote author="mrpaul" date="1214039347"]No i mean, like it should autoload the table. Then instead of having pagination, just load the rows when you scroll down. So itll keep adding more and more rows when you scroll. Does that make sense.

Check this if you need an example of what im talking about: http://tinyurl.com/545xl9

Start scrolling down that table of results and it pops open the loading pic and updates.

Let me know if that makes sense.[/quote]

Ah k. saw that feature in yahoo mail. didn't like it. It confuses users where they are at, it causes memory leaks, and its now good way of displaying data altogether.

Its not a bad feature if done tastefully... I dont think it would be too bad...

Check this out... can this be implemented somehow?

[quote author="mrpaul" date="1214048138"]Its not a bad feature if done tastefully... I dont think it would be too bad...

Check this out... can this be implemented somehow?

Yes, i've seen this as well, (you can also check out twistori.com). Both these sites are presenting information that is not really meant to be analyzed.

But this is a data grid, you need to give the user a sense of where they are and how much data they'd have to see, and also the ability to go where they need to go instantly. So they can analyze it and browse it better. Imagine you have 3000 records and you have to keep loading the next 2999 records just to get to record 3000.

I believe Yahoo like this approach a lot that they've implemented it on their YUI grid, so you can check that out as well.

I guess to each his own :-) .

I hope that helps and that you find the grid that fits your requirements.

Not really... if you check out the blue nile link, you can easily analyze data. Especially with a compare column. they dont have pagination, but the scolling/loading is sooo smooth. I understand how pagination helps though...

i not really a fan of the hit the bottom of page and load in new content approach. i mean, it's slick ... no doubt. but it's not very useable for me and i think a lot of non-web devs out there will simply not understand what's happening at first ... i feel like i'm on a treadmill. i'd much rather visualize ... showing 1 - 20 out of 2500 versus it feeling like it never ends.

not to mention ... it seems like it would be really easy to send needless queries to your database.

i'm sure there's a good use for it though.

I dunno. I just dont like pagination. And if you want to load thousands of rows at once, what better way to do it? Im trying to put it together right now. Im having some problems though. Its calling the function before the page even loads the div with the scroller so it doesnt do anything. Where can I put the function?

Does this look right?

$('#bDiv').scroll(function(){if ($('#bDiv').scrollTop() == $('#bDiv').scrollHeight()){alert('');}});

Hi Paulo.
Great work! Just discovered your fabulous grid, and I'm enjoying it immensely.

If it's not already been done, and if it's useful to anyone, I kind of implemented a very roundabout way of adding and deleting rows from a "static" flexigrid (i.e. a grid created from an HTML table without Ajax).

If anyone needs the code, I'll post it gladly.


Hi, there is a bug with sorting. When you click on a column header, the grid loads data and shows that it is sorted according to the column. But it is not. Unless you click on the header again.
To fix this issue, look for the following piece of code around line 495:
if (p.sortname == $(th).attr('abbr')) {
    if (p.sortorder == 'asc') p.sortorder = 'desc';
    else p.sortorder = 'asc';

and append the following to it:

else {
    p.sortorder = 'asc';

Btw: Have anyone tried jqGrid? (http://www.trirand.com/blog/, demos http://www.trirand.com/jqgrid/jqgrid.html) Although it misses some functions of flexiGrid (e.g., moving columns), it has some nice features (nested grids, inline editing, seems faster), though.


first of all thank you Paulo for this amazing piece of code.

I am using flexigrid for a table of users with a JSON data source made with PHP. I need to access the JSON object that flexigrid has retrieved from the server so that I can populate a confirm dialog with the selected user's username when the delete callback is triggered (I am using SeanRock's multiselect:false method to only allow a single user to be selected).

How can I reach the selected user's username?


I have downloaded Flexigrid implementation for Codeigniter (by Frederico Carvalho) and installed it in fresh CI 1.6.2 setup.

Flexigrid control loads, but at the bottom it says "Processing, please wait...".

I checked error log and it says: "404 Page Not Found --> flexigrid/ajax"

Any idea how to fix it?

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