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Flexigrid - Lightweight but rich data grid

[quote author="crpatrick" date="1219796267"]Hi all-

I am just starting to look at Flexigrid. We have an entire application framework in ExtJS, which is great, but we have seen that the grid is a little slower performing...so we saw Flexigrid as a possible alternative that we can integrate into our ExtJS framework.

One really basic question...I have a panel in ExtJS where the old ExtJS grid was placed. Two of the parameters I was able to set was layout: 'fit', and forceFit: true, which would expand the height/width of a grid to fill the panel. Does anyone know of a similar way using the Flexigrid to expand the height/width of a grid to fill a panel/parent element/page?

Thanks again for the great work with this.[/quote]

These features aren't available yet.

[quote author="mslinuz" date="1219821299"]just wanna ask, i wonder if anybody here ever successfully applied a date range for filter??
it may be done by adding a button which will handle this purpose but embeded one will b nicer
this is great btw ^-^[/quote]

Quick Search, is what it is - a Quick Search, it was never meant to replace detailed and advance filter UIs. This is usually approached by placing a form at the top of a grid.

You can add a more advance filter and search system by attaching a form to flexigrid.

Like so: http://webplicity.net/flexigrid/sample1.html

I am basing my next project on flexigrid

Quick questions:

1. Does it support fetching and displaying data using PHP / MySQL?

Any code samples on this?

2. Does the grid support AJAX ?

3. Does it support JSON?

Any code sample on this?

Its a great work from you, with my favorite jquery.


[quote author="prakash123" date="1220025957"]I am basing my next project on flexigrid

Quick questions:

1. Does it support fetching and displaying data using PHP / MySQL?

Any code samples on this?

2. Does the grid support AJAX ?

3. Does it support JSON?

Any code sample on this?

Its a great work from you, with my favorite jquery.


You should take a look at:


Hi guys,
Using Persian language on Iranian websites , we have to change the page direction to right to left using tags like this :
<div dir=rtl>
or even
&lt;html dir=rtl&gt;
I was trying to make right-to-left version working with the flexigrid but without success on some part of code exactly on column resizing function.
If anyone can offer any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it.

Hi Guys,

I'm a newbie in CodeIgniter, trying to learn as much as possible about creating webapps the right way!

But I'm struggling with the installation of Flexigrid for several hours now and I can't get it to work :-( !!!

I unpacked the file Flexigrid_CI_v0.1.rar in a brandnew CI-installation, made the controller "flexigrid" default and made the connection to the database where I created the table "country".
Now, when I want to view the page, I see the grid, the column-titles are there but no population of the datagrid and at the bottom there is this annoying "Processing, please wait..."

What am I doing wrong? What have I forgotten to do? I feel soooo stupid!

Please help?



[quote author="andyroe" date="1220363672"]Hi Guys,

I'm a newbie in CodeIgniter, trying to learn as much as possible about creating webapps the right way!

But I'm struggling with the installation of Flexigrid for several hours now and I can't get it to work :-( !!!

I unpacked the file Flexigrid_CI_v0.1.rar in a brandnew CI-installation, made the controller "flexigrid" default and made the connection to the database where I created the table "country".
Now, when I want to view the page, I see the grid, the column-titles are there but no population of the datagrid and at the bottom there is this annoying "Processing, please wait..."

What am I doing wrong? What have I forgotten to do? I feel soooo stupid!

Please help?



Did you load the Database lib?
- Go to "system\application\config\autoload.php"
- Add 'database' to the $autoload['libraries'] array

Try again

Hi Armorfist,

Thanks for your quick reply...that's really great!

But yes, I had the Database lib loaded! So that isn't the problem I'm afraid :-(

Hope you can find another reason for the problem...


Can you tell me the URL you are using?

By the way, I also tried to install some older versions of CI, but no results (sigh).
Also tried IE6, IE7 AND Firefox.

The odd thing is that the column-titles ARE displayed, but nu further population is loaded.

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