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BackendPro 0.6.1

OK I will have to compose a roadmap sort of thing, I will try and think about some helpful tutorials like as you said. Have a very busy week coming up so I won't say when I will post them.

Nice to hear people think they can use it, it can do a lot its just hard to explain it.

Just a quick roadmap, basically I want to leave it in alpha for a bit more trying to fix bugs and get features I had intended to role out (e.g finish the dashboard) in the release. This will continue through beta when I will start adding a few new small features (like meta tag functions in the page library). Then when I am happy no major bugs are there and it meets basic requirements I will move it out of beta and start adding the big changes. One which some people have thought of was a way to install modules. Keeping to the way BackendPro is, I will only provide the code to install/un-install modules. How you make the modules will be up to you.

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Thanks for clarification Adamp. I didn't downloaded the code yet (I will) but is there a kind of templating system like for example do CodeExtinguisher (sorry to compare, but you are fighting on the same ring) so that we can easily adapt the look and feel of the console to what we want?

Everything is done using css style sheets so. If you wanted to change the control panel look, all you would need to do is change the css. Of course if you wanted a totally different design then you would have to maybe remake the container view files. These are separate so you can edit the header/footer etc.

You say its on the same ring as CodeExtinguisher but I personally don't think it is. While CE provides a fully dynamic backend. BeP provides a kind of framework to make a custom control panel. I know they both provide the user with a control panel, but they go about it in different ways, so I can maybe see what you mean.

Anyway good luck with trying it, Iv tried to make it as simple to setup and use, but as you said us coders aren't very good at reading, writing documentation I find is even harder.

If you feel something needs explaining more I will try to read word the guide and maybe create some more examples. Hope it helps you.

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Maybe I am missing something but I can't make it work, this is the error I get:

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined property: Home::$page

Filename: libraries/MY_Controller.php

Line Number: 104

Fatal error: Call to a member function set_crumb() on a non-object in D:\Webready\BackendPro\application\libraries\MY_Controller.php on line 104

I am using latest version of CodeIgniter from SVN. Installtion of BeP went fine. I only not used the reCaptcha stuff.

The error happens when I try to call the application/admin/home controller.
May you help me?

@Adam: I've looked at BackendPro and like in fact that it combines all great things abuout CI such as Matchbox, khACL and others. Keep up the good work!

At this point, I'm having a question regarding the modules you've created: I see you have some modules (auth, page, preferences, recaptcha and status) which 'auth' is possible to browse to domain.tld/index.php/admin/auth. All the rest you cannot reach from the browser, at least it's giving a 404.

I was trying to include my own module (which worked in other CI environment), but also my module is getting a 404 that it cannot find the file. Do I have to change something in a config file? Could you please help me?

If you're asking what I think you're asking, then you have to visit yoursite.tld/auth/admin/actions.html
(I'm not sure if actions is the correct page name though)
This is because each module is responsible for its part of the admin section

Hi Alex, thanks for the reply.
Actually my problem was related to the fact I didn't placed my controller in the right place.
First I've placed it in: modules/{module name}/controllers/admin/{controller name}.php
This should be: modules/{module name}/controllers/{controller name}.php (without the admin).

I was browing through the log file and I have seen this error:
ERROR - 2008-04-15 07:32:32 --&gt; Severity: Notice --&gt; unserialize() [<a href='function.unserialize'>function.unserialize</a>]: Error at offset 0 of 10 bytes /var/www/html/backendpro/modules/preferences/models/preference_model.php 67

On that line it says:
if( FALSE === ($object = @unserialize($string)))
    // String was not an object
        $this->_CACHE[$name] = $string;
    return $string;

I don't understand is what this check actually does: $object is never initialized and is not inherited from the Base_model. Can you clarify this? Looks a bit like magic Smile It would be nice to get that error out of the log.

@elitemedia: the Admin_controller class is defined in the MY_Controller.php file. It basically is so you can separate the front end controllers from the backend ones.

The error message generated is saying something about the page library (the one which handles all assets and breadcrumb creation) not being loaded. The page library is loaded in the BackendPro.php, can you check the line
is in that file?

If not can you try adding the line
to the MY_Controller.php Site Controller class to see if the error messages disappears?

I haven't tested BeP with the latest SVN release only 1.6.1 so I cannot be sure nothing has been changed which may break it.

@flokky: You should be able to put the controller in a sub directory of a module, this is so you can separate admin controllers from public ones (Just see my auth module, it has both admin and public controllers. If a controller is called the same as the module you don't need to do to include it in the uri.

Do all the pages in BeP work? Can you access them using the links in the menu?

To do with that bit of code you posted. What it does is when you store an array as a preference in the database it must be serialized. But without performing an unserialize command you don't know where the string is either just a string or a serialized array. So basically it tries to extract an array from the string, if it can it returns the array otherwise it returns the string.

Trying to remove the log error is something I know about. Sadly at the time I don't have a solution for this, but it is something I am thinking about solving, I don't know if its a CI logging issue or what.


I don't want to autoload session and backendpro libraries
becouse I use backendpro only in one part of my site.

Can you help me how to load
session and backendpro libraries
form and html helpers
only in backendpro.

I try with

in class Home but it doesn't work.


@Nikola: The problem is those resources need to be loaded on every page otherwise the system will not work. What I think would be best is maybe split your site into multiple applications? That way they are separate. I don't think its even possible to split the auto load stuff off so it only loads of certain areas. Unless as said you use multiple application folders.

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