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Ocular Images - Possible Operator Error

Huge props to kilishan for creating and improving Ocualr. THANKS!!!

I am having what I think is an 'operator error' issue with Ocular. The short story is that images do not seem to be appearing on my output pages even though I have been careful to ensure that the path is correct.

Here is the path to the actual image:
Here is the path when viewing HTML source on the delivered page:
<img src="public/images/logo_ptologic.jpg" alt= "PTOlogic Logo">

I have tried moving the images folder around in an attempt to find the right spot:
/codeigniter/public/images/file.jpg (the recommended location)
and even /documents/public/...
The funny thing is that my .css and .js files are working just fine in the recommended location.

Could I be missing something? Perhaps a config file I have not set properly?

Platform Info:
localhost on a MacBook Pro
CodeIgniter 1.7.0
Ocular 0.25

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