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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

I switched it for another version of Apache and it's working now :-)

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Released v0.9.7.1 last night.

This covers:

* Increased PHP 5.3 support
* Installer bugs fixed
* Added Gravatar support to comments
* Enabled short-tag rewriting by default.

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1257523367"]Released v0.9.7.1 last night.

This covers:

* Increased PHP 5.3 support
* Installer bugs fixed
* Added Gravatar support to comments
* Enabled short-tag rewriting by default.[/quote]

Just installed PyroCMS

Seems nice, well post results later, how it goes Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
While v0.9.8 is making great progress, I hope to release v0.9.7.2 in a few hours which will take care of the installation problems. Please get any bug reports in if you know of any outstanding issues not taken care of in the main GitHub repository.

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1257956494"]While v0.9.8 is making great progress, I hope to release v0.9.7.2 in a few hours which will take care of the installation problems. Please get any bug reports in if you know of any outstanding issues not taken care of in the main GitHub repository.[/quote]

I had some issues with 0.9.7
but after downlaoding from gtbug, no installation problems Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Released v0.9.7.2 and its now available on GitHub.

This release covers:

* Contact captcha fixed
* More installer bugs fixed
* Added "target" to navigation links
* Fixed an issue with Cache library lazy-loading that was breaking lazydays theme

There were some cross browser issues with the admin section in the older versions, specifically with IE7. Any chance that you have looked into these with this latest release?

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
A few IE7 issues should have been fixed but its not something I have been focusing on. I believe there is still an issue with AJAXify in FF2 and IE7 but I have neither of those.

There is a patch on the GitHub issue tracker, but it has not been tested. Can you give it a try and see how it goes?

What does the Staff page do in the admin panel? I can't find any documentation about it Tongue

Errors i found/encountered:
When opening /admin/comments it throws this error:
Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in C:\xampp.5.2\htdocs\pyrocms\application\modules\comments\controllers\admin.php on line 47

Also; could you please explain how to add more fields to the user profile and registration forms? I'd like people to have to fill in their Chamber of Commerce number, phone, address etc etc.


Here's a Dutch profile_lang.php

$lang['profile_of_title'] = '%s\'s Profiel';

$lang['profile_user_details_label'] = 'Gebruiker gegevens';
$lang['profile_role_label'] = 'Rol';
$lang['profile_registred_on_label'] = 'Geregistreerd op';
$lang['profile_last_login_label'] = 'Laatste keer ingelogd';
$lang['profile_male_label'] = 'Man';
$lang['profile_female_label'] = 'Vrouw';

$lang['profile_not_set_up'] = 'Deze gebruiker heeft zijn/haar profiel nog niet ingesteld.';

$lang['profile_edit'] = 'Bewerk profiel';

$lang['profile_personal_section'] = 'Persoonlijk';

$lang['profile_dob']        = 'Geboortedatum';
$lang['profile_dob_day']    = 'Dag';
$lang['profile_dob_month']    = 'Maand';
$lang['profile_dob_year']    = 'Jaar';
$lang['profile_gender']        = 'Geslacht';
$lang['profile_bio']        = 'Over mij';

$lang['profile_contact_section'] = 'Contact';

$lang['profile_phone']        = 'Telefoon';
$lang['profile_mobile']        = 'Mobiel';
$lang['profile_address']    = 'Adres';
$lang['profile_address_line1'] = 'Regel #1';
$lang['profile_address_line2'] = 'Regel #2';
$lang['profile_address_line3'] = 'Regel #3';
$lang['profile_address_postcode'] = 'Postcode';

$lang['profile_cocnr']        = 'Kvk Nummer';
$lang['profile_company']    = 'Bedrijfsnaam';
$lang['profile_kvk']        = 'Kvk Nummer';

$lang['profile_messenger_section'] = 'Instant messengers';

$lang['profile_msn_handle'] = 'MSN';
$lang['profile_aim_handle'] = 'AIM';
$lang['profile_yim_handle'] = 'Yahoo! messenger';
$lang['profile_gtalk_handle'] = 'GTalk';

$lang['profile_avatar_section'] = 'Avatar';

$lang['profile_gravatar'] = 'Gravatar';

$lang['profile_edit_success'] = 'Uw profiel is opgeslagen.';
$lang['profile_edit_error'] = 'Er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan.';

// -- Buttons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$lang['profile_save_btn'] = 'Profiel opslaan';


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